Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Steps To Activate Free Access To Datacamp, Pulralsight, LinkedIn Learning, Etc Through Visual Studio Dev Essentials Program

In this article, we will discuss steps to activate free access to Datacamp, Pulralsight, LinkedIn Learning, Etc Through Visual Studio Dev Essentials Program.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/steps-to-activate-free-access-to-datacamp-pulralsight-linkedin-learning-etc-through-visual-studio-dev-essentials-program

Learn About Azure Resource Group

In this article, we will discuss on Azure Resource Group.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/learn-about-azure-resource-group

Compare Tuples In C#

How to compare two tuples in C#.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/compare-tuples-in-c-sharp/

Four Signs Your WordPress Site Has Been Hacked

If your website is hacked, you want to know about it as soon as possible. How can you find out whether your WordPress site has been hacked?

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/four-signs-your-wordpress-site-has-been-hacked

Implementation Of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

There are many problems which we face while using SQL Server. Its very important to design your database correctly and keep it working.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/implementation-of-sql-server-data-tools-ssdt

How To Convert System.Byte To A System.io.stream Object Using C#

In this post, we will learn about how to convert byte to stream using c# console application. In this example first, we read all the bytes from the file using File.ReadAllBytes method than using MemoryStream we add all bytes into memory stream for reading byte one by one we are using BinaryReader for reading all bytes one by one using for loop. There is another option for convert byte to memory stream or stream using c#. Let's start coding.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-convert-systembyte-to-a-systemiostream-object-using-c-sharp

If You're Thinking Of Highlighting Your Online Presence, Web Designing Must Be Given Great Consideration

Businesses are on their way of developing websites to become more accessible for their customers.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/thinking-of-highlighting-your-online-presence-web-designing-must-be-put-into-great-consideration2

Highlight Search Text In Data Grid View cell

In this section, we will see how the search text will be highlighted in the data grid view cell where it matched.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/highlight-search-text-in-data-grid-view-cell

Setup Angular 5 Development Environment In Visual Studio 2017 In ASP.NET MVC

In this article, we will learn how to set up an Angular 5 development environment in Visual Studio 2017 without using Angular CLI.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/setup-angular-5-development-environment-in-visual-studio-2017-in-asp-net-mvc-st/

An Overview Of Python

In this era of the diversity in latest technology and the ability to learn and be equipped in languages is the most challenging and interesting thing for a developer or a geek you can say. Me being a .Net developer found it interesting personally to get started with the Python, an open source programming language using the Microsoft IDE, the latest one i.e. Visual Studio Code. There are many reasons to choose & learn Python as my choice out of the box , now since Machine learning is the new latest!! :D Python is the best programming language and light weight to be used. I again say it is my personal choice to choose Python. :P Much of talks now, lets get started with what Python is actually and some facts about Python.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/an-overview-of-python/

Apache NetBeans 9.0 Available Now, Adds Support For Java 9 & 10

The Apache NetBeans team released the latest Java IDE Apache Netbeans (incubating) 9.0 on Monday.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/apache-netbeans-incubating-90-released-adds-support-for-java-9-10

SQL Server Table Partitioning

The article provides a demonstration of table partitioning, namely dividing large tables into small ones, as well as describes its benefits.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Resources/4378/sql-server-table-partitioning.aspx

Monday, July 30, 2018

AndroidX Now A Part Of Android Open Sourcing Project

Google is now moving AndroidX to the public Android Open Sourcing Project (AOSP) better known as Jetpack.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/androidx-now-a-part-of-android-open-sourcing-project

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET Core 2.0 With Razor Pages Using ADO.NET

In this article, we will learn CRUD Operation In ASP.NET Core 2.0 With Razor Pages Using ADO.NET Step by Step.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/crud-operation-in-asp-net-core-2-0-with-razor-pages-using-ado-net/

Setting Up Angular 4 Development Environment In ASP.NET MVC And Web API

In this article, we will learn how to set up an Angular 4 development environment in Visual Studio 2017.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/setting-up-angular-4-development-environment-in-asp-net-mvc-and-web-api/

Using UNION With Different Tables, Fields And Filtering

All fields must be at the same position and the same data type, you can make all kind of selects, joins, where etc the UNION ALL comand is best then UNION if you want select all rows if they are the same**, this is not the case in this sample, you can make it a View.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/using-union-with-differents-tables-fields-and-filtering

Selenium Automation Using C# - Part One

In this blog, we are going to automate a website using C# Selenium. It is a first step of automate.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/selenium-automation-using-c-sharp-part1

HTTPGet And HTTPPost Attributes In ASP.NET MVC

This blog explains HTTPGet and HTTPPost attributes in ASP.NET MVC.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/httpget-and-httppost-attributes-in-asp-net-mvc

Difference Between Var And Dynamic In C#

The keyword 'var' was introduced in C# 3.0 (.NET 3.5 with Visual Studio 2008) and the type 'dynamic' was introduced in C# 4.0 ( .NET 4.0 with Visual Studio 2010). Let us see the difference between these two.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/difference-between-var-and-dynamic-in-c-sharp3

Introduction To Express

Yes, we know that node.js provides us with the JavaScript runtime to execute server side code. That's good! That means we can design and implement some good console apps which can leverage the node.js runtime. But is it all that we want this great javascript runtime environment to offer? Ofcourse not!

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/introduction-to-express

Matrix In R - Naming Column Using colnames() Function And Accessing Matrix Element By Column Name In R

In a previous article we have learned how to give the name of row and access element of matrix by name in R. Now we shall discuss and learn how to give a name of matrix column; i.e., naming of matrix dimension and access element by the name.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/matrix-in-r-naming-cloumn-using-colames-function-and-accessing-matrix-elemen/

Inside Out - Live Unit Testing With VS 2017

Live Unit Testing is a brand-new technology, made available in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3 or above. Live unit testing enables the IDE to execute unit tests automatically in real time without cod being build, and as you make changes to the code.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/inside-out-live-unit-testing-with-vs-2017/

Design Patterns From Beginning - Day One

A software developer will make software/application to solve or achieve the requirements of a Company or An Organization Using different programming language.In Application development developers might use different language or frameworks like c++, c#, Java, Php, javascript, Python, Ruby on Rails etc.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/design-patterns-from-beginning-day-one/

Install Jenkins ( DevOps ) On Windows Machine Step By Step

First of all let's try to understand what is Jenkins. As per Jenkins official website Jenkins is the leading open source automation server, Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project.in other word you can say that Jenkins is a Continuous Integration (CI) server or tool which is written in java. It provides Continuous Integration services for software development, which can be started via command line or web application server.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/install-jenkins-on-w/

Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty Nine - Editing And Deleting Site Columns

In this article, I have discussed basic concept about how to add and edit the site columns.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/learn-sharepoint-in-series-part-twenty-eight-editing-and-deleting-site-colum/

Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty Eight - Introduction To Site Columns

Consider a scenario, where you have created a site collection and now you are creating many subsites based on the departments. The structure of sites are same for all departments. The structure includes lists, libraries etc. Now what you will do? You will create a list in main site collection and then create your columns into the lists and libraries as shown in Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Seventeen - List Columns in SharePoint and then you will save this list as a template as shown here Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twelve- Save list as a template in List Setting and your problem is solved.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/learn-sharepoint-in-series-part-twenty-eight-introduction-to-site-columns/

Xamarin.Forms - Turn ON/Off Flashlight Using Xamarin Essentials

In this article, you will learn how to turn ON or OFF the flashlight using Xamarin.Essentials in Xamarin.Forms.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/xamariin-forms-trun-onoff-flashlight-using-xamarin-essentials/

Getting Started with Azure Machine Learning Studio

This video article provides an introduction to Machine Learning and demonstrates how to build a simple Machine Learning Model using Azure Machine Learning Studio.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/getting-started-with-azure-machine-learning-studio/

Working With Bot Framework - Part Two

Let us learn how to get started with Bot Framework. This is part two of the series where will get the basic introduction of the Bot Project Templates.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/working-with-bot-framework-part-two2/

Google Launches A Go Cloud Based Open-Source Project

Recently, Google has announced a new open-source project which is based on the Go Cloud, a library, and tools for developing on the open cloud, a programming language that helps developers in building portable cloud apps.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/google-launches-a-go-cloud-based-opensource-project

What Webpack Is And How It Works | Angular Fundamentals

In this video tutorial, we will learn about Angular fundamentals. Here what we will see is what Webpack is and how it works with an Angular project.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/what-is-webpack-how-does-webpack-work-with-angular-angular-fundamentals/

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Azure Batch Service - Deploy A Batch Application Using C# SDK

We won't talk about azure batch service, but describe about how to deploy a batch application to an existing azure batch service using c# azure SDK. Then verify the outputs too.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/azure-batch-service-deploy-a-batch-application-using-c-sharp-sdk/

SharePoint Framework - Deploy SPFx WebParts To Azure CDN

In the previous article Develop First Client Side Web Part, we developed SharePoint Framework client side webparts and tests it on local SharePoint workbench. The local SharePoint workbench allows to quickly test the SPFx web parts. The Node.js provides the hosting platform to run on local environment. However in the real lifescenarios we will have to deploy these SPFx webparts to some hosting environments from where it can be served to SharePoint.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/sharepoint-framework-deploy-spfx-webparts-to-azure-cdn/

Friday, July 27, 2018

Alternate Keyboard In Android Using Xamarin.Forms

This article demonstrates an alternate keyboard in Android using Xamarin.Forms.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/alternate-keyboard-in-android-using-xamarin-forms/

Do You Love Your Job?

Do you love your job? I am sure that you always had this question within you? Haven’t you heard that? Or, some people might have asked you this question. I agree, that it is a simple question, and it has simple words in it. But were you able to answer that? If you have never tried to answer that, please try now. If you have a satisfying answer within you, then it is amazing. Unfortunately, if you can’t answer, please read this post. I will be helping you to find an answer for yourself.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/do-you-love-your-job/

Getting Start With Data Analysis Using SSAS Tabular Modeling In Excel - Part Two

In this article, we are going to see how business users or we can utilize the tabular model for data analysis and visualization in Excel.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/getting-start-with-data-analysis-with-tabular-modeling-in-excel-part-ii/

Hosting Web Applications On The Azure Platform

Web Apps is a low friction Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering to host your web applications in the Azure platform. In this article I will show how create, deploy and configure azure web app.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/hosting-web-applications-on-the-azure-platform/

How To Import XML Data In SQL Server Using MVC 5

In this article. I will demonstrate how to import XML data into SQL server using MVC 5 and entity framework. I will create a XML file and upload it into FileUpload in project. I will also use jQuery datatable plugging for searching, shorting and paging.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-import-xml-data-in-sql-server-using-mvc-5/

New C# 7 Features - Is Expression With Patterns And Switch Statement With Patterns - Part Two

This article explains Is Expression with Patterns and Switch statement with Patterns which makes developers lives easy.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/new-c-sharp-7-features-is-expression-with-patterns-and-switch-statement-with-patter/

React JSX Props - Day Five

JSX is known for being a language that lets you "write HTML inside JavaScript." JSX is an external, domain-specific language that is optimized for generating XML-like documents. JSX stands for JavaScript XML. Makes HTML easy to understand.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/react-jsx-props-day-five/

Style With CSS Using Xamarin.forms

How are you, hope you all are fine. Today in this article I am telling you about the CSS in Xamarin.Forms, XAML. If you know about web designing you can easily understand. This is a feature that is easy to use and your app design will be very good with its help.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/style-with-css-using-xamarin-forms/

Understanding Produces And Consumes Attribute In MVC 6

Produces and Consumes Attributes are newly introduced in MVC 6 (ASP.NET Core) to control the content negotiation.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/understanding-produces-and-consumes-attribute-in-mvc-6/

Xamarin.Forms - Clipboard (Copy And Paste Text) Using Xamarin Essentials

In this article you will learn how to Copy and Paste text Using Xamarin.Essentials in Xamarin forms.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/xamariin-forms-clipboardcopy-and-paste-text-using-xamarin-essentials/

SQL Server - Various Methods To Generate Number Sequence

Friends, most of the time we used ranking function like ROW_NUMBER() when it required to generate unique number sequence. But there also other ways to accomplish the same thing without using ranking function. I will tell you 3 various ways to generate the unique number sequence including ranking function.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/sql-server-various-methods-to-generate-number-sequence

How To Get The Current Document Version In SharePoint Online Using PnP PowerShell

In this blog, you will see how to get the current document version in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-get-the-current-document-version-in-sharepoint-online-using-pnp-powershell

How To Update The Hyperlink In The SharePoint Online List Items Using PnP PowerShell

In this blog, you will see how to update the hyperlink in the SharePoint Online List Items using PnP PowerShell.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-update-the-hyperlink-in-the-sharepoint-online-list-items-using-pnp-powershell

Google Announces Over 20 Security Enhancements For Cloud Users

Google cloud recently announced over 20 security enhancements for their users.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/google-announces-over-20-security-enhancements-for-cloud-users

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Add Image Dynamically On The Data Grid View Cell

In this section, we will add the image into the data grid view of win-form on the bases of certain conditions.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/add-image-dynamically-on-the-data-grid-view-cell

Microservice Design Approach And DevOps Go Hand In Hand

This blog is not to discuss Microservices and DevOps but to highlight why they both are required to be embraced simultaneously to make each other succeed in any system.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/microservice-design-approach-and-devops-go-hand-in-hand

Method Overriding In JavaScript

It is true that JavaScript supports overriding not overloading. When you define multiple functions which has the same name, the last one defined will override all the previously defined ones and every time when you invoke a function, the last defined one will get executed. The following example overrides the user-defined function.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/method-overriding-in-javascript

Getting Started With DotNetNuke/Evoq

DNN an abbreviation of DotNetNuke is an open source content management system, written in C# and based on Microsoft .Net. The latest version of DNN is 9.2.0

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/getting-started-with-dotnetnukeevoq

How To Replace Newline Character From The SQL Server Field

In this post, we will learn about how to replace newline characters from SQL fields. In this post, we have to use replace function for replace string and also use char function to remove newline characters and replace instead of this. Here I will give you the syntax of replace function and how to use char function and what is the meaning of 10 in char function.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-replace-newline-character-from-the-sql-server-field

Building A DevOps CI/CD Pipeline For ASP.NET Core With VSTS

This article mainly covers how to create a new build and release definition using VSTS.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/building-a-devops-cicd-pipeline-for-asp-net-core-with-vsts/

Create Power BI Visual Using R Script Visual - Bar Chart

In this article, we will learn how you can create a Bar chart using R script in Power BI.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/create-power-bi-visual-using-r-script-visual-bar-chart2/

CRUD Operation With Repository And Database Initialization In Code First Approach In MVC - Part Six

In the previous article, I explained about Code First Migrations and how enable Code First Migrations. In this article, I will explain How to perform CRUD and how to perform searching functionality using Code first approach and Repository. And also in this article, I will give a brief introduction about Database Initialization.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/crud-operation-with-repository-and-database-initialization-in-code-first-approac/

Enhancing Console Output With Underlining, Colors And More

With the rise of .Net Core, GUI-less Console applications have come back into popular usage which is perfectly fine. It’s just that they’re so bland; black and white and basic text when sometimes you need a splash of colour or an enhancement to bring focus to something of importance.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/enhancing-console-output-with-underlining-colors-and-more6/

Getting Started With Data Analysis Using SSAS Tabular Modeling In Excel - Part One

As we all know that SQL Server analysis service (SSAS) is an analytical data engine used in decision support and business analytics. It provides enterprise-grade semantic data models for business reports and client applications such as Power BI, Excel, Reporting Services reports, and other data visualization tools.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/getting-start-with-data-analysis-with-tabular-modeling-in-excel/

Replace If With Polymorphism With AutoFac DI Container

As the title specify we will be Replacing the conditional if and Switch statement with the help of Polymorphism using DI container and talk about the benefits of doing the same in this article. Oops gives us with pretty much great features which we are aware of theoretically but never implements practically. Polymorphism is one of the main features provide by Object Oriented Languages which in turn implies to that a Parent class can have more than one behavior and can point towards it’s child classes at runtime.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/replace-if-with-polymorphism-with-autofac-di-container/

SharePoint Framework - Introduction To Web Part Property Pane

In classic SharePoint, web parts can be configured using the properties, generally referred as WebPart properties. In the SPFx world they are referred as property panes. The property panes allows to control behavior and appearance of web part.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/sharepoint-framework-introduction-to-web-part-property-pane/

Web App For Containers

Web App for Containers is a great Azure offering that helps developers to package their application and all related dependencies in a container and then host the container on the Web App.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/web-app-for-containers/

What ASP.NET Core Is And Advantages Of Using It

We well learn in this article What is ASP.NET Core and Advantages of using ASP.NET Core ? How to setup ASP.NET Core Environment Step by Step.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/what-is-asp-net-core-and-advantages-of-using-asp-net-core-how-to-setup-asp-net/

Stratis Launches Puzzle Challenge To Find Its Next Rockstar Developer

Recently, Stratis has offered a series of 12 sequential puzzles that include general logic, cryptography, blockchain knowledge, and aptitude. In the meanwhile top prize of the puzzles is equivalent to over $10,000.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/stratis-launches-puzzle-challenge-to-find-its-next-rockstar-developer

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How To Make SQL Server Search Faster - Part Two

In this article, we will discuss how to make faster SQL Server Search - Part Two.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-make-faster-sql-server-search-part-two

How To Install, Configure And Unconfigure Build Agent In TFS 2015

In this article, I’ll explain how to configure the agent as a service. To run a build or release definition we need at least one agent. So let’s start.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-install-configure-and-unconfigure-build-agent-in-tfs-2015/

How C# Compiler Looks At Switch Case Statements

Every developer writes a switch case statement at least once in their life of programming but as he/ she understands the switch is no longer maintainable they tend to look for patterns and do refactoring.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-c-sharp-compiler-looks-at-switch-case-statements

Tips to Be a Developer And/Or Good Professional in the Field of Information Technology

This advice is for those who want to start in the life of IT.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/what-i-would-say-to-myself

How To Get All The Disabled Flows Using PowerShell

In this blog, you will see how to get all the disabled flows using PowerShell.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-get-all-the-disabled-flows-using-powershell

How To Delete Microsoft Flows Using PowerShell

In this blog, you will see how to delete flows using PowerShell.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-delete-microsoft-flows-using-powershell

Number Check And Decimal Control In C#

The below method is used to restrict user input after the decimal point based on the user input.I have written below method in common class file So that I can use throught project..This will avoid code repitition.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/number-check-and-decimal-control-in-c-sharp

SharePoint Site Analytics Through Web API

To design the web API to send data into database, the Analytics depends on the Site page open tracking and depends on the generate the reports.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/sharepoint-site-analytics-through-web-api/

JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication In ASP.NET Core

JWT (JSON web token) become more and more popular in web development. It is an open standard which allows transmitting data between parties as a JSON object in a secure and compact way.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/jwt-json-web-token-authentication-in-asp-net-core/

C# 7.0 New Features - Binary Literal, Digit Separator And Local Function - Part One

This Article explains the new features of C# 7.0 and it covers features like binary literal, digit separator and local function.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/c-sharp-7-0-new-feabinary-literal-digit-separator-local-function-in/

Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty Seven - Managed Metadata Columns Type

In this article, I have explained Managed Metadata columns in brief

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/learn-sharepoint-in-series-part-twenty-seven-managed-metadata-columns-type/

Setup Angular 6 Development Environment In Visual Studio 2017 In ASP.NET MVC Step By Step

In this article, we will learn how to Setup Angular 6 Development Environment in Visual Studio 2017 in ASP.NET MVC Step by Step.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/setup-angular-6-development-environment-in-visual-studio-2017-in-asp-net-mvc-ste/

Xamarin.Forms - Check Internet Connection Using Xamarin Essentials

In this article, you will learn how to Check Internet Connectivity Using Xamarin.Essentials in Xamarin forms.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/xamariin-forms-check-internet-connection-using-xamarin-essentials/

C# Debug Vs Conditional Debug

In this video, we will discuss about #if preprocessor directive with DEBUG vs Conditional DEBUG to compile a piece of code in DEBUG mode only.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/c-sharp-debug-vs-conditional-debug2/

Google Cloud Partners With Digital Asset Over Blockchain Developer Tools

Digital Assets and Google Cloud have now entered a partnership.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/google-cloud-partners-with-digital-asset

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

First Ever mmWave 5G Antennas For Smartphones Released

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. has released the first fully integrated 5G NR millimeter wave (mmWave) and sub-6 GHz RF modules for smartphones and other mobile devices.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/first-ever-mmwave-5g-antennas-for-smartphones-released

Azure .NET SDK Namespace - Microsoft.Azure.* Vs Microsoft.WindowsAzure.*

Here describing about 2 main categories of Azure SDKs and also telling about how they differentiate. I know many of you are using these 2 categories of Azure SDKs and got the question about their difference

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/azure-sdk-namespace-microsoftazure-vs-microsoftwindowsazure

How To Connect To Microsoft Flow Using PowerShell

In this blog, you will see how to connect with Microsoft Flow using PowerShell.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-connect-to-microsoft-flow-using-powershell

How To Connect To Microsoft Teams Using PowerShell

In this blog, you will see how to connect to Microsoft Teams using PowerShell for service administration and management.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-connect-to-microsoft-teams-using-powershell

How To Be 20 Years Old Again, Or Never Get Old

Since I was 17 year old, I never stopped learning new things, new languages, learning about everything, and spending much time reading.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-be-20y-old-again-or-never-get-old

Microsoft Security Updates BizTalk Administration Console - An Internal Failure Occurred For Unknown Reasons. (WinMgmt)

Security updates released by Microsoft in July 10, 2018 on BizTalk 2013R2 Server causes issue on BizTalk servers.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/microsoft-security-updates-biztalk-administration-console-an-internal-failure-occurred-for-unknown-reasons-winmgmt

Azure Logic Apps With Step By Step Demo

In this article, I am going to throw light on what Azure Logic Apps are and also going to show a step by step demo of the same.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/azure-logic-apps-with-step-by-step-demo/

Creating And Managing Azure App Service Plans

Azure provides the best app service plan for hosting platform. it can be supporting many languages, Easy way to implementation & configuration. and develop with any kind of resources. If you integrate your app in Azure, you can monitor & scale up any time. if you are visual studio developer, you will feel the great experience

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/creating-and-managing-azure-app-service-plans/

Getting Record ID From EntityView In Dynamics 365 Portal

We can use entity list to render records of entity from specific view configured in entity list. Entity list provide many options like sorting result set, re-labelling view columns, action buttons and more. We can configure details page in entity list which can be opened to view more details about the record or for edit/updating. In this article we are going to discuss how we can get record details from entity list in Dynamics 365 portal using liquid.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/getting-record-id-from-entityview-in-dynamics-365-portal/

Real Time Communication To Cross Platform Devices Using Azure SignalR Service - Part Two

Real Time communication between cross platform devices such as Azure hosted .net core web app, xamarin based android app and .Net Framework based windows form app using Azure SignalR Service.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/real-time-communication-to-cross-platform-devices-using-azure-signalr-service/

SharePoint Framework - Avoiding NPM Package Dependencies

NPM (Node Package Manager) is a package manager for JavaScript as like Nuget for managed code of .Net framework. NPM is used to consume third party libraries in SharePoint Framework (SPFx) solutions. All of the required packages like jQuery, React, Angular, Office Fabric UI, etc. can be added to the solution using NPM. The packages are dependent on each other. Change of semantic versioning (semver) of one package can break the dependency build toolchain.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/sharepoint-framework-avoid-npm-package-dependencies/

SharePoint Framework - Understanding The Solution Structure

Yeoman generators helps to generate SPFx client side webpart solution. The solution has predefined structure. Each folder and file has its own significance. It is important to understand the role of each file for better development.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/sharepoint-framework-understand-the-solution-structure/

Test Stack White - An Automation Tool For Windows Application

In this article, I am going to explain how to automate windows application by using Test Stack White automation framework.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/test-stack-white-an-automation-tool-for-windows-application/

Unit Test In C# With Xamarin.Forms

In this article, we will discuss how to write unit test in C# with Xamarin.Forms.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/unit-test-in-c-sharp-with-xamarin-forms/

Top 10 Tips To Protect From Online Hacking

Cybercrimes are on the rise. There are over 1 million cyber attacks are initiated each day. To protect yourself, your family, and your business, there are certain precautions you can take that will most likely to keep hackers away from your personal data.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/top-10-tips-to-protect-from-online-hacking/

Service Fabric 6.3 Released Along With Service Fabric Mesh Preview

Microsoft has recently announced the public preview of Service Fabric Mesh and released the Service Fabric 6.3.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/service-fabric-63-released-along-with-service-fabric-mesh-preview

T-SQL BEST Practices

The article is dedicated to some best practices of T-SQL queries that can help to avoid performance and I/O problems.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Resources/4371/t-sql-best-practices.aspx

Links To Learn GoJS

GoJS is a JavaScript library for implementing interactive diagrams and complex visualizations all platforms

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Resources/4370/links-to-learn-gojs.aspx

Useful Visual Studio Code Keyboard Shortcuts For Window, Mac-OS, And Linux.

I have composed some useful links containing the shortcuts for Visual Studio Code users.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Resources/4369/useful-visual-studio-code-keyboard-shortcuts-for-window-mac-os-and-linux.aspx

Visual Studio Code Tips And Tricks

Visual Studio Code tips and tricks for developers.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Resources/4368/visual-studio-code-tips-and-tricks.aspx

Introduction To Robotics Process Automation

This video provides a detailed introduction of Robotics Process Automation, its stages, steps to implement and Infrastructure/design details for RPA projects.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/introduction-to-robotics-process-automation/

Monday, July 23, 2018

Full Names Related To Programming

In this article, we are going to learn the full names of all many abbreviations in programming used commonly.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/all-full-form-related-to-programming/

How To Create And Download Zipped Files In .NET

Have you ever encountered a scenario when you have to download few files zipped and compressed! Few development involving the manipulation of documents and its management would require this. There are a lot of packages out in the market. Here in this article, I would be sharing the use of DotNetZip package used to zip, unzip & compress files using C#, VB.Net & any .NET language.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-create-and-download-zipped-files-in-net/

Processing AWS SQS Messages via a LAMBDA

I will be discussing what I have learned, the hard way, using the Simple Queuing Service (SQS) and LAMBDA's.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/processing-aws-sqs-messages-via-a-lambda

Development Of SharePoint Add-In Solutions On Office 365 - Part Two

In this article on “Development of SharePoint Add-In Solution as a (Custom List) on Office 365 – Azure – Part 2”, we will be leaning how to configure SharePoint Add-In Solutions while creating a custom list on Office 365.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/development-of-sharepoint-add-in-solutions-on-office-3652/

How To Generate QR Code In Android

In this article, we will learn how to generate QR Code in android. Quick Response Code (QR Code in short) is a 2-Dimensional matrix type barcode used to store data. It is more popular because of its storage capacity and fast readability.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-generate-qr-code-in-android/

To Overcome "The Given Key Was Not Present In The Dictionary" Exception In MySQL

In this article, I will give one of the solution to overcome “The given key was not present in the dictionary” exception in MySQL.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/to-overcome-the-given-key-was-not-present-in-the-dictionary-exception-in-mysql/

Display Success Message With Back Button On Dynamics 365 Portal

This article is about displaying success message with back button in Dynamics 365 portal.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/display-success-message-with-back-button-on-dynamics-365-portal/

Life Cycle Of Angular Components

In this article, we will discuss the life cycle of Angular components.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/life-cycle-of-angular-components/

Matrix In R - Naming Row Using rownames() Function And Accessing Matrix Element By Row Name In R

In this article, we will discuss how to give names of rows and we shall also see how to access matrix element by their name in a matrix in R.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/matrix-in-r-naming-matrix-dimension-and-sub-setting-elements-by-name-in-r/

Nav Bar In Angular Using Ignite UI

Today, navigation is one of the most common functionalities in websites. A poor Web navigation may lead to a user frustration and leave your website without engaging in a productive manner. Research proves that if your website can’t engage a user without 2 minutes, that user may never visit your website again.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/nav-bar-in-angular-using-ignite-ui/

Observer Pattern - Implementation In .Net Framework

This article describes the Observer pattern and the interfaces .Net Framework provides.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/observer-pattern-implementation-in-net-framework/

SQL Server - Rollback Transaction Completely In Case Of Error

Hi friends, I recently found an issue while inserting data into table during transactions that transaction will not completely rollback if we use multiple insert statement in transaction.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/sql-server-rollback-transaction-completely-in-case-of-error/

Use Fiddler With BizTalk Adapters To View Exchanged Messages

In this article, we will discuss how to use Fiddler with BizTalk adapters to view exchanged messages.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/use-fiddler-with-biztalk-adapters-to-view-exchanged-messages/

Zero To Hero In MS SQL Server - Part One

This is part one of Zero To Hero Series in MS SQL Server. This is mainly focused for beginners who are into MS SQL Server and also for experienced who want to fresh up for interviews and daily technical works.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/zero-to-hero-in-ms-sql-server-part-1/

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Check Box In Android Using Xamarin.Forms

This article demonstrates checkbox in android using xamarin.forms. Xamarin is a platform that allows us to create a multi-platform app for Android, Windows, or iOS through a single integrated development environment(IDE). And with Xamarin.Forms, the interface design for all three platform can be accomplished within its XAML-based standard, native user-interfaces control.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/check-box-in-android-using-xamarin-forms/

Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty Six - Task Outcome And External Data Column Type In SharePoint

This article contains description about Task Outcome and External Data Column types in SharePoint.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/learn-sharepoint-in-series-part-twenty-six-task-outcome-and-external-data-co/

Quick Micro Services Development Using MicroService4Net (No Containers)

Here, we are showing how we can quickly develop ASP.NET MVC WEB API based Microservices without any containers, but using Open Web Interface(OWIN)

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/quick-microservice-development-using-microservice4net/

Top 5 Golden Rules Of Success

Watch Arnold's motivational speech about success.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/top-5-golden-rules-of-success/

Google's Java Containerizer Released

Google has now released Jib, a Java containerizer for developers.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/googles-java-containerizer-released

Friday, July 20, 2018

SharePoint Framework - Develop First Client Side Web Part

Client-Side WebParts developed using SharePoint Framework (SPFx) are future of Modern SharePoint. Client Side WebParts are developed using modern UI standards, modern JavaScript tools and libraries. They run inside context of SharePoint page and are responsive in nature.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/sharepoint-framework-develop-first-client-side-web-part/

How To Open PDF File In New Tab In MVC Using C#

In this post, we will learn about how to open pdf or other files in a new tab using c#.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-open-pdf-file-in-new-tab-in-mvc-using-c-sharp

Code First Migration In Entity Framework - Part Five

In the previous article, I have explained how to implement a code first approach with a CRUD operation when we don’t have an existing database. In this article, I will explain about Code First Migrations and how enable Code First Migrations.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/code-first-migration-in-entity-framework-part-five/

Copy Documents From OneDrive To SharePoint Using Microsoft Graph Explorer

Microsoft Graph is a single solution to connect all services across Microsoft Cloud with single authentication. By using this, we can build an application for Microsoft 365 using single API.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/copy-documents-from-onedrive-to-sharepoint-using-microsoft-graph-explorer/

Groundwork For .NET Interview

This article covers the basic high-level concepts on .net for getting up to speed the interview.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/groundwork-for-net-interview/

How To Add Custom Validator For Any Model In C#

In this article, we will discuss how to add a custom validator for any model in C#.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-add-custom-validator-for-any-model-in-c-sharp/

Real Time Communication To Cross Platform Devices Using Azure SignalR Service - Part One

Real Time communication between cross platform devices such as Azure hosted .net core web app, xamarin based android app and .Net Framework based windows form app using Azure SignalR Service.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/magic-paste-universal-paste-data-to-web-app-android-and-windows-forms-using-a/

Matrix In R - Adding Rows And Columns To A Matrix In R

In this article, we shall learn how to add rows and column to a matrix in R using R studio?

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/matrix-in-r-adding-rows47columns-and-accessing-elements-by-name-in-matrix-i/

How To Get The Weather Information From A Public Weather API Using MVC And Angular

First we need to add html code below .we have one text box and one button .once enter city name and press the button You will the get that corresponding city weather details.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-get-the-weather-information-from-an-public-weather-api-using-mvc-and-angular

Animation With Xamarin.Forms

In this article, I am going to show you how we can add animation to our Xamarin.Forms Application.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/animations-with-xamarin-forms/

Blockchain Basics- Fork

A Blockchain is a decentralized database that is composed of a network of computers which have a copy of Blockchain node software running. A Blockchain uses a chain of blocks to store data. Blocks in the chain are created and exchanged among nodes based on consensus.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/blockchain-basic-fork/

How To Dynamically Load Employee Details In jQuery Popover Using MVC 5

In this article. I will demonstrate how to How to dynamically load employee details using MVC 5 and Entity Framework.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-dynamically-load-employee-details-in-jquery-popover-using-mvc-5/

SEO Friendly URL Using MVC

As search engines are playing a major role in a number of visits to the site, it is definitely advisable to keep your site optimized to the search engines. There are multiple factors that impact the site to be properly search optimized. One of them is the URL for the site.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/seo-friendly-url-using-mvc/

Working With Bot Framework - Part One

Let us learn how to get started with Bot Framework. This is part one of the series where will get the basic introduction of the Bot Framework and how to initiate developing our first bot.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/working-with-bot-framework-part-one/

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Generating Sequence Numbers In LINQ Query Using C#

In this post, we'll see how to generate sequence numbers along with the data that we need in LINQ C#.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/generating-sequence-numbers-in-linq-query

How To Make Faster SQL Server Search - Part One

Do a small change on database and on your query to make it faster.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-make-faster-sqlserver-search-part-i

How To Get All Site Collection Administrators From SharePoint Online Site Collections Using PnP PowerShell

In this blog, you will see how to get all site collection administrators from SharePoint Online Site Collections using PnP PowerShell.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-get-all-site-collection-administrators-from-sharepoint-online-site-collections-using-pnp-powershell

How To Integrate PnP Graph And PnP SP In Your WebPart

PnP libraries are created to serve the needs of developers for easy learning and implementation of logic through client-side programming.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-integrate-pnp-graph-and-pnp-sp-in-your-webpart2

CRUD Operation Using HTML+ Angular Along With WebAPI

HTML and AngularJS are used for front-end and the Web API acts as an intermediate between database and front-end using Angular.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/html-angularjs-along-with-webapi

Building A Restful API In ASP.NET

Let’s have a quick review of ASP.NET MVC Architecture. So when the request arrives at our application MVC Framework hands off that request to an action in a controller, this action most of the time returns view which is then parse by razor view engine and then eventually html markup is return to the client. So in this approach html markup is generated on the server and then return to the client.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/building-a-restful-api-in-asp-net/

Getting Started With SignalR Using ASP.NET Core And Azure SignalR Service

In this article , We'll learn how to get started with azure signalr service to scale out the signalr service in cloud without any limitation and infrastructure problem. To scale up SingalR, couple of options we have like Radis and Azure service. At time of writing this article azure service is in preview, soon it will be released 1.0 version. It is a fully managed service to add real time functionality in your application

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/getting-started-with-signalr-using-aspnet-core-and-azure-signalr-service/

How To Change Text-Box Placeholder Color In UWP Project

In this article, we’ll learn how we can change textbox placeholder color in UWP application.In UWP application default placeholder color is black, if our application textbox background color also black then placeholder text hide with the same color so in this article we will change the placeholder color by this we can create our application better. I hope you will like it.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-change-text-box-placeholder-color-in-uwp-project/

SharePoint Online - Working With List Settings Using PowerShell

In this article, we will discuss the configuration of some of the important List Settings for SharePoint Online Lists.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/sharepoint-online-working-with-list-settings-using-powershell/

Terraform - Deploy End-End Azure Virtual Machine (VNET + IP + RDP + WinRM) - Part Three

In this article, we are going to deploy a full-fledged Azure virtual machine using terraform.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/terraform-starting-from-the-basics-part-three3/

Web API CRUD Operations And Consume Service In ASP.NET MVC Application

This article will have understanding of what and why of Web API and demonstrate CRUD operation with simple example using entity framework and consuming the created service into Asp.net MVC application.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/web-api-crud-operations-and-consume-service-in-asp-net-mvc-application/

Symantec Brings New Technology To Fight Cyber Attacks

Recently, Symantec Corp SYMC has introduced its new technology called 'Email Threat Isolation' in an effort to counter advanced cyber-attacks in a more innovative and effective way.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/symantecs-brings-new-technology-to-fight-cyber-attacks

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

An Overview Of MVC 5 Applications

MVC means Model View Controller. The Model View Controller (MVC) of ASP.NET is an open source lightweight and test-driving framework designed by Microsoft that contains three components Model, View, and Controller. The MVC provides the Model, View, Controller pattern and it allows software developers to build a Web application as a composition of three parts or components such as Model, View and Controller. The MVC model works on the basis of three tiers architecture. The MVC model has no drag and drop server controls, server events and state management techniques. The Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Visual Web Developer Tools are used to design and build the ASP.NET MVC applications.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/an-overview-of-mvc-5-applications/

Authentication Using External Providers (Hotmail)

This article will guide the reader to set up authentication using a Hotmail account in ASP.Net Core 2.0.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/authentication-using-external-providershotmail2/

Generate A Random Password And OTPs

Passwords are important for security reason. Now we will create simple passwords that that are difficult to hack. You can do this by using special characters in passwords.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/generate-a-random-password-and-otps

ASP.NET Core - Expense Manager Using EF Core And Highcharts

We will create a personal expense manager using Asp.NET Core 2.1 and Entity Framework core Code first approach with the help of Highcharts to show the expense summary chart and a modal dialog to handle the user inputs.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/asp-net-core-expense-manager-using-ef-core-and-highcharts/

How To Add Index On SharePoint Fields Using C#

In this article, we are going to see steps to create an index to a SharePoint field using C#. Indexing is a data structure which is used to quickly locate and access the data in the database table. The Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) is used internally for these operations.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-add-index-on-sharepoint-fields-using-c-sharp/

Overview Of SharePoint Framework (SPFx)

SharePoint Online has started moving to modern experience developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript which reduces the page load time compared to post back model from classic SharePoint based on ASP .Net.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/spfx-part-1-sharepoint-framework-spfx-overview/

Change Outer Background Of Power BI Report

In this article, we will talk about how you can change the outer background of your report page.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/change-outer-background-of-power-bi-report/

Communication Between ASP.NET Core Applications Using RABBIT MQ

In today’s article, we will create two ASP.NET Core 2.0 console applications and we will make them communicate through Rabbit MQ.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/communication-between-asp-net-core-applications-using-rabbit-mq/

Deploy Azure Virtual Machines With Accelerated Networking Enabled Using Powershell

This article provides step by step guide on how to enable Accelerated Networking for Virtual Machines using PowerShell.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/deploy-azure-virtual-machines-with-accelerated-networking-enabled-using-powershe/

Develop Chat Bot Using Microsoft Bot Builder SDK V4 - Part One - Quick Start For Beginners

Develop Chat Bot Using Microsoft Bot Builder SDK V4 - Part One - Quick Start For Beginners.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/develop-chat-bot-using-microsoft-bot-builder-sdk-v4-part-one-quick-start-for/

How To Import JSON Data In SQL Server Using MVC 5

In this article, I will demonstrate how to import JSON data into SQL server using MVC 5 and Entity Framework. I will create a JSON file and upload it into FileUpload in the project.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-import-json-data-in-sql-server-using-mvc-5/

Introduction To JWT

JWT(JSON Web Token) is open standard that allows transmitting data between parties as a JSON. It is digitally signed so the information are trusted and verified. It can be signed using public / private key(ECDSA or RAS)or secret with HMAC algorithm. It is very popular in web development.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/introduction-to-jwt/

Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty Five - Calculated Columns In SharePoint

In this article, calculated columns is explained at very basic level.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/learn-sharepoint-in-series-part-twenty-five-calculated-columns-in-sharepoint/

Tricks And Tips In Visual Studio To Speed Up Your Code Using Default Code Snippet Feature

This article explains few features which will helps to developer to speed up coding while writing code in visual studio.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/trick-and-tips-in-visual-studio-to-speed-up-your-code/

Microsoft Announces .NET Framework 4.7.2

Microsoft has recently announced the .NET Framework 4.7.2 which is available on Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and Microsoft Update (MU) Catalog.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/microsoft-announces-net-framework-472

.NET Core 2.0 - AWS Tutorial - Adding A File To S3 Bucket

In this video series, we will be learning how to get started Amazon AWS and .NET Core 2.0. In the second article, let us see how to add a file to an existing Amazon S3 Bucket.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/net-core-2-0-aws-tutorial-adding-a-file-to-s3-bucket/

.NET Core 2.0 - AWS Tutorial - Creating An S3 Bucket

In this video series, we will be learning how to get started Amazon AWS and .NET Core 2.0. In this first article, let us see the way of creating an Amazon S3 Bucket.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/net-core-2-0-aws-tutorial-creating-an-s3-bucket/

.NET Core 2.0 - AWS Tutorial - Getting An Object From An S3 Bucket

In this video series, we are learning how to get started Amazon AWS and .NET Core 2.0. In this third video, we will see how we can get an object from an Amazon S3 Bucket.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/net-core-2-0-aws-tutorial-getting-an-object-from-an-s3-bucket/

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Oracle Enterprise Blockchain Generally Available Now

Oracle Blockchain service is now generally available now.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/oracle-enterprise-blockchain-generally-available-now

Basic Page Navigation In UWP

In this article, we will learn how to create a basic application for page navigation.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/basic-page-navigation-in-uwp/

Canceling Long Running Task Using Cancellationtokensource In .NET

In this article, we will learn How to cancel or interrupt the Long Running Task using a Cancellationtokensource method in .NET 4.0.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/cancelling-long-running-task-using-cancellationtokensource-in-net/

Code First Approach With CRUD Operation In Entity Framework In MVC - Part Four

In previous article, I have explained how to implement code first approach when we have existing database. Now, I will explain that how to implement code first approach when we don’t have existing database. Let‘s see step by step how to implement it.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/code-first-approach-with-crud-operation-in-entity-framework-in-mvc-part-four/

How To Create A Virtual Machine (VM) With Reserved Public IP (VIP)

In my previous blog, we learned that a Virtual IP (VIP) get lost or changed when we stop or deallocate the virtual machine (VM). So, to overcome this we can assign a reserved IP so that whenever we restart the virtual machine we would get the same IP.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-create-a-virtual-machine-vm-with-reserved-public-ip-vip/

How To Do AsyncTask In Kotlin

In this article, we will learn how to perform AsyncTask in android with Kotlin. Async task is used to perform some asynchronous tasks without blocking the main thread. It is very useful in android development. Similar to Java, the same code can be used in Kotlin with some minor modifications.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-do-asynctask-in-kotlin/

How To Export And Import Build Definition In TFS

In this tutorial, I’ll explain how to export and import build definition in TFS2015. To export/Import your build definition we have to install a plug-in, as there is no built-in way to do that currently.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-export-and-import-build-definition-in-tfs/

How To Fix "Input Source Is Not Correctly Formatted" Error During Lookup Field Value Comparison With String

We encounter such kind of error in many different scenarios and in different programming languages as well. In this article we will see how and when this error appears using SharePoint 2013 designer workflow and how to fix it.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-fix-the-input-source-is-not-correctly-formatted-error-in-case-of-lookup/

MultiSelect Autocomplete Textbox In MVC 5

In this article. I will demonstrate how to create a multi-select jQuery autocomplete textbox using MVC 5. I will use jQuery autocomplete plugin and Bootstrap 4.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/multiselect-autocomplete-textbox-in-mvc-5/

Overview Of The Post Of A CIO

In this Enormous Business world it is hard to IT field and business related stuffs at a time. The business in this competitive world become so sensitive that even a small error may lead to hard loss. Large number of responsibilities such as Provision of finance, recruitment, development of faculty, policy making and short and long term goal of the enterprise. All the above has to travel in balanced rails of a track. Multitasking personalities who like to take risk and face thrilling situation each and every second are most fit for the CIO positions of and Enterprise.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/overview-of-cio/

Microsoft Announces ML.NET 0.3

Microsoft has recently announced the latest version of ML.NET 0.3.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/mlnet-03-announced

Monday, July 16, 2018

ASP.NET MVC Form With File Upload

In this article, you will learn how to upload a file using ASP.NET MVC in a real-world scenario.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/asp-net-mvc-form-with-file-upload/

Understanding Quantum Computing

If you are curious about quantum computing, then watch this video and learn the concepts of quantum computing in 5 different ways.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Resources/4363/understanding-quantum-computing.aspx

How to set the list view scope in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell

In this blog, you will see how to set the list view scope in SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-set-the-list-view-scope-in-sharepoint-online-using-pnp-powershell

How to Escape HTML entities from a given string

Escape html entities from from a given string with whitelist tags and special chars.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-escape-html-entities-from-a-given-string

Creating Distributed Lock With Redis In .NET Core

In this article, we will discuss how to create distributed lock with redis in .NET Core.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/creating-distributed-lock-with-redis-in-net-core/

How To Control Light/Fan Through Voice

You can learn how to control light and fan through your voice commands.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-control-lightfan-through-voice/

Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty Four - Hyperlink Or Picture Column Type In SharePoint

This article contains every information regarding Hyperlink or Picture column type.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/learn-sharepoint-in-series-part-twenty-four-hyperlink-or-picture-column-type/

Migration To SharePoint Online - Code Remediation - Part Two

In SharePoint OnPremise environments, we can write full trust solutions using server side APIs. However the same code cannot run on SharePoint Online. We need to utilize Client Side APIs to code against SharePoint Online.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/migration-to-sharepoint-online-code-remediation-part-two/

No Code Solution For Filtering Subgrid Based On The Lookup

This article is about filtering subgrid based on the lookup field in Dynamics 365/CRM.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/no-code-solution-for-filtering-subgrid-based-on-the-lookup/

Setting Up Angular Development Environment In ASP.NET MVC And Web API

If you want to setup Angular 2 development environment without using Angular CLI and command line then this is the right place for you.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/setup-angular-2-development-environment-in-visual-studio-2017-in-asp-net-mvc-and/

Swagger UI Integration With Web API For Testing And Documentation

Swagger UI Integration With Web API for Testing And Documentation

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/swagger-ui-for-web-api-testing-and-documentation/

Cognitive Services – Optical Character Recognition (OCR) From An Image Using Computer Vision API And C#

In this article, we are going to learn how to extract printed text also known as optical character recognition (OCR) from an image using one of the important Cognitive Services API called as Computer Vision API.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/cognitive-services-optical-character-recognition-ocr-from-an-image-using-com/

SharePoint Online - Working with Lists Using PowerShell

In this article we will discuss SharePoint List operations using PowerShell for SharePoint Online.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/sharepoint-online-working-with-lists-using-powershell/

Sending and Retrieving Data From Redis Cache

Send and retrieve data from Redis cache, made easy.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/sending-and-retrieving-data-from-redis-cache

Unity 3D And Android Studio Integration

This article demonstrates how to integrate android studio with the unity 3D.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/unity-3d-and-android-studio-integration2/

Hello World App In Node.js

In this article, I am assuming that you have installed node.js on your PC. If you have not installed go to this link and install it.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/hello-world-app-in-nodejs/

US To Complicate H-1B Visa Approval

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has issued a revised policy under which US officials can now directly reject visa applications under some circumstances.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/us-to-complicate-h1b-visa-approval

Azure Web App Service

Creating an Azure Web App Service and hosting simple page using Filezilla.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/azure-web-app-service2/

Benefits Of Active Listening

In this video, I will talk about active listening, its benefits, examples, expectations, and recommendations. Go through this video to implement Active Listening to your personality,

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/benefits-of-active-listening/

Sunday, July 15, 2018

How To Install SharePoint PnP Core Library In Visual Studio 2017

In this article, we will see steps to install SharePoint PnP Core library in Visual Studio 2017

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-install-sharepoint-pnp-core-library-in-visual-studio-2017/

Migration To SharePoint Online - Part One

Migration of SharePoint OnPremise to SharePoint Online can be easy with the help of any migration tool. The purpose of the exercise was to design, plan and migrate existing SharePoint OnPremise sites to Office 365 and decommission SP2010 farm. In short, we are moving from OnPremise to cloud. This article focuses on learnings from the migration exercise.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/migration-to-sharepoint-online/

New Version of dotNetTips.Utility Dev App Released

New Version of dotNetTips.Utility Dev App Released today!

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/new-version-of-dotnettipsutility-dev-app-released

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Create Microsoft Azure Account Using Azure Pass

Hi Everyone today I’m going to show you how to active Microsoft Azure Pass for your Azure Subscription, if you are an MCT you can request the Azure pass trough https://ift.tt/2Nh2R4u.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/create-microsoft-azure-account-using-azure-pass/

How To Enable App SideLoading On Your Non-Developer Office 365 Site Collection On Azure

Welcome to an article on “How to Enable App SideLoading on your Non-Developer Office 365 Site Collection on Azure”. Now for people who are not aware what is Side loading let’s know about that first.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-enable-app-sideloading-on-your-non-developer-office-365-site-collection-o/

Xamarin.Forms - Expandable ListView With A Sub ListView MVVM Pattern

In mobile applications we often have lists to display, this is easy only if the list contains simple and not complex structure. This article demonstrates how we create a complex Expandable ListView with a sub ListView in Xamarin.Forms.. This Expandable List allows user to Expand and Collapse items via a simple click. We have a List of Hotels each hotel contains a list of rooms. One click on a hotel will display its rooms while a double click will collapse it.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/xamarin-forms-expandable-listview-with-a-sub-listview-mvvm-pattern/

How To Get All The Folders And Subfolders From SharePoint Online Document Library Using PnP PowerShell

In this blog, you will see how to get all the folders and subfolders from SharePoint Online Document Library using PnP PowerShell.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-get-all-the-folders-and-subfolders-from-sharepoint-online-document-library-using-pnp-powershell

Friday, July 13, 2018

Configuring Azure DNS Settings

In this video, let us learn how to configure Azure DNS Settings.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/configuring-azure-dns-settings/

Python Lists | Complete tutorial

This is a complete tutorial on Python Lists.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/python-lists-complete-tutorial/

How To Create Custom Task Outcomes In SharePoint 2013 Designer Workflow And How To Use It

In a SharePoint 2013 designer workflow, we possibly have only two outcomes by default viz. “Approve” and “Reject”. Here we will see how to create any no of custom outcomes in a workflow. Creating custom outcome is not a straightforward method. I am using a trick to achieve the functionality and have successfully implemented it.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-create-custom-task-outcomes-in-sharepoint-2013-designer-workflow-and-how/

How To Add List View Webpart To SharePoint Online Webpart Page Using PnP PowerShell

In this blog, you will see how to add list view webpart to SharePoint Online webpart page using PnP PowerShell.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/how-to-add-list-view-webpart-to-sharepoint-online-webpart-page-using-pnp-powershell

Configure Or Change The Audit Settings In SharePoint Online

In this article, I would like share the overview of audits and steps to change the audit settings in SharePoint online.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/configure-or-change-the-audit-settings-in-sharepoint-online/

Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty Three - Look Up Column Type In SharePoint

In this article, I have covered everything about lookup columns available in SharePoint.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/learn-sharepoint-in-series-part-twenty-three-look-up-type-in-sharepoint/

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit - Installation On Windows 7

This article is about installation of Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit on Windows 7.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/microsoft-cognitive-toolkit-installation-on-windows-7/

Using Window Ranking Function With UPDATE Statement

In this article, we will learn using Window Ranking Function With UPDATE Statement.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/using-window-ranking-function-with-update-statement/

Matrix In R - How To Create Matrix In R

R is an important programming language used heavily by statisticians. It is also used in machine learning, data science, research, and many more new fields. It is a computing environment where statistical data may be implemented. In this article, we shall discuss and learn about the packages in R.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/matrix-in-r-how-to-create-matrix-in-r/

One Tip To Boost Your Career To The Next Level

Here in this article, I am going to say about one thing which can boost your career to the next level. Trust me, this is going to work. I am Sibeesh Venu, I have been in the software development industry for the past 7 years now. I have worked with many companies now, including a small company with 5 – 10 members and multinational companies. Let’s skip the introduction for now, and jump into the contents. I hope you will like this article.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/one-tip-which-can-boost-your-career-to-the-next-level/

Setting Case Origin From Dynamics 365 Portal

This article is about using Entity Form Metadata in Dynamics 365 Portal

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/setting-case-origin-from-dynamics-365-portal/

Xamarin.Forms - AppInfo Using Xamarin Essentials

In this article you will learn how to get App Info Using Xamarin.Essentials in Xamarin forms.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/xamariin-forms-appinfo-using-xamarin-essentials2/

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Hosting ASP.NET Core 2.0 Application In Docker

In today's article, we will create an ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC web application with docker support and then we will deploy our application in a docker container(Windows 10).

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/hosting-asp-net-core-2-0-application-in-docker/

Add Multiple Lines Of Rich Text In SharePoint Library

In this article, I would like to share the workaround to create a multiple lines of text field in SharePoint library.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/add-multiple-lines-of-rich-text-in-sharepoint-library/

ASP.NET Core Blazor Master/Detail CRUD With Filtering And Sorting Using EF And Web API

In this article, let’s see how to create our own ASP.NET Core Blazor Master Detail HTML CRUD (Insert, Update, Select and Delete) for both Master and Detail Grid with Sorting and Filtering using Entity Framework, and Web API.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/asp-net-core-blazor-masterdetail-crud-with-filtering-and-sorting-using-ef-and-w/

Create SharePoint List Using Microsoft Graph Explorer In Office 365

Microsoft Graph Explorer is a browser-based REST API client for Office 365. By using Graph explorer, we can access all applications/services in Microsoft Cloud by sending the Microsoft Graph API request.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/create-sharepoint-list-using-microsoft-graph-explorer-in-office-365/

Drop Indexes In Views In SQL Server

In this article, I am going to tell about dropping of indexes in view in SQL Server.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/drop-indexes-in-views-in-sql-server/

How To Use Partial Actions And Partial Views In ASP.NET MVC

As we already know that Partial views are the small views that we can render in different views. We use partial views to breakdown the large views, we also use the partial views for the reusability purpose. Let’s take an example of Partial Views.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-use-partial-actions-and-partial-views-in-asp-net-mvc/

Dynamics 365 App Specific URL For Your Entity

This article is about opening entity record in specific custom app

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/dynamics-365-app-specific-url-for-your-entity/

File Growth Rate: The GUI Lies

If you are like me, you use the SSMS GUI for various things. Though I tend to use scripts for the management of most things, I do check on the database growth rates of files using the GUI interface.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/file-growth-rate-the-gui-lies/

How To Create A Simple Calculator Using Grid Layout In Xamarin.Forms

In this article, we will discuss how to create a simple calculator using Grid Layout in Xamarin.Forms.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-create-a-simple-calculator-using-grid-layout-in-xamarin-forms2/

How To Integrate Bootstrap Framework In SharePoint Apps

This article is all about integrating bootstrap framework in SharePoint application to enrich your application in all the way and make it user-friendly.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-integrate-bootstrap-framework-in-sharepoint-apps/

How To Send Emails To Multiple Users Using PnP PowerShell

In this article, we are going to see how to send emails to multiple users via office 365 SMTP using PnP-PowerShell.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-send-emails-to-multiple-users-using-pnp-powershell2/

Image Gallery In Angular In SharePoint SPFx App

The SharePoint framework (SPFx) is newly revealed technology by Microsoft which is working as client-side model and support open source tools. It is mostly recommended for SharePoint online.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/image-gallery-in-angular-4-in-sharepoint-spfx-app/

Minimal Ubuntu Launched By Canonical

Recently, Canonical has announced the new Minimal Ubuntu. The latest Minimal Ubuntu is optimized for automated use at scale with small packages set and minimal security cross-section.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/minimal-ubuntu-launched-by-canonical

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Determine User OneDrive Folders without the Microsoft.OneDriveSDK

Easily find OneDrive folder locations in Windows.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Blogs/determine-user-onedrive-folders-without-the-microsoftonedrivesdk

Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty Two - Date And Time Column Type In SharePoint

In this article, we will learn about Date and Time column type available in SharePoint.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/learn-sharepoint-in-series-part-twenty-two-date-and-time-column-type-in-shar/

Creating HTML Web Resource To Show Image Attached In Notes Using Web API

Some time back, I wrote a post for retrieving image attached to notes using OData, as now for Dynamics 365 CE, we use Web API, so I am going to share how we can do it using Web API.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/creating-html-web-resource-to-show-image-attached-in-notes-using-web-api/

How To Migrate SharePoint Search Properties From One Tenant To Another Using CSOM

This article explains how to move a SharePoint Search managed property from a tenant to another using CSOM.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-migrate-sharepoint-search-properties-from-one-tenant-to-another-using-cso/

Populating DropDown With AJAX Call

There are other ways to populate dropdown in ASP.NET MVC. But using jQuery ajax in populating a dropdown is easy and fast. So in this article I will show you how to populate a dropdown from database using jQuery ajax.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/populating-dropown-with-ajax-call/

Rearrange The Tasks List Dynamically By Drag And Drop Using Angular In MVC

Reorder the list of data via drag & drop feature and the current order of the list shall be persisted on the database.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/rearrange-the-tasks-list-dynamically-by-drag-and-drop-using-angular-in-mvc/

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Auto Query Generator In MSSQL Server

If you’re a developer, irrespective of the platform, you would have to work with Databases. Creating SQL statements for tables is quite often a monotonous job and it gets hectic especially with dealing gigantic tables that have hundreds of columns.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/auto-query-generator-in-mssql-server/

Create Documentation With Sandcastle Help Builder

This article explains how to create help documentation in Visual Studio 2017 using sandcastle help builder.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/create-documentation-with-sandcastle-help-builder/

Development Of SharePoint Add-In Solution As A (Custom List) On Office 365 - Azure - Part One

In this article on “Development of SharePoint Add-In Solution as a (Custom List) on Office 365 – Azure – Part 1”, we will be learning how can we use SharePoint Add-In Solutions to create a custom list on Office 365.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/development-of-sharepoint-add-in-solution-as-a-custom-list-on-office-365-azu/

Exporting Comments In Visual Studio

While I was searching on the internet about comments. I came to find about this feature. This feature help us to know the comments without opening the visual studio .In modern life we can’t able to spent more time on preparing project document. Instead of preparing document we can use these comment for the quick reference.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/exporting-comments-in-visual-studio/

Learn SharePoint In Series - Part Twenty One - Person Or Group Column Type In SharePoint

In this article, we will learn SharePoint in series - Part Twenty One - person or group column Type In SharePoint.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/learn-sharepoint-in-series-part-21-person-or-group-colum-type-in-sharepoint/

Read Email Using PoP3 In ASP.NET

In this article I am going to explain how we can read email using PoP3 protocol. The sample source code can be found on github.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/read-email-using-pop3-in-asp-net/

Secret Volumes (With Demo) And Empty Volumes In Azure Container Instances

Azure Container Instances support secret volumes and the secret volumes allow you to store sensitive data. That sensitive data could be your SSH keys or it could be your database credentials.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/secret-volumes-with-demo-and-empty-volumes-in-azure-container-instances/

SharePoint Online Administrator To Do List

Office 365 / SharePoint Online is SAAS (Software As A Service) offering of Microsoft, which leaves us to only consume the services offered by Office 365 without any control over the infrastructure. Although an administrator do not have to maintain the servers and patches or cumulative updates for SharePoint environment, there are significant tasks that every Office 365 or SharePoint Online Administrator should take care. This article can be referred to as “To do” list before starting any SharePoint portal development.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/sharepoint-online-administrator-to-do-list/

Push Notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging in Android

Push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) in Android.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Resources/4359/push-notifications-using-firebase-cloud-messaging-in-android.aspx

Best Websites To Learn Angular

List of best websites that contains useful angular articles and courses

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Resources/4358/best-websites-to-learn-angular.aspx

Browser Execution With Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE is the starting version of Selenium Automation tool. It was a Firefox extension when it was started as a automation tool around 2004, it doesn't require any programming language to execute selenium scripts.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Resources/4357/browser-execution-with-selenium-ide.aspx

The XMLHttpRequest Object

The XMLHttpRequest object can be used to request data from a web server.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Resources/4356/the-xmlhttprequest-object.aspx

Getting Started With Apache Hadoop

In this, you can find refcard in which you can number of excited features about Hadoop to get started easily

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Resources/4355/getting-started-with-apache-hadoop.aspx

The Unitary Fund Declares Grant For Quantum Computing

The Unitary Fund has recently announced for offering six grants of up to $2,000 for developers working on open source quantum computing projects.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/the-unitary-fund-declares-grant-for-quantum-computing

Apple Releases iOS 11.4.1

Recently, Apple has released iOS 11.4.1 with some important security features.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/news/apple-releases-ios-1141

Monday, July 9, 2018

DevOps On Azure With ASP.NET Core

DevOps, DevOps, DevOps. I personally think DevOps is a requirement in most of the projects, involving software development. Yet, very little amount of people truly understand what DevOps has to offer, or what DevOps itself is. As to what DevOps is, I would leave that part to a future post however in this post I will try to give you an overview of what DevOps has to offer and how you can kickstart your DevOps chains on Microsoft Azure.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/devops-on-azure-with-asp-net-core/

GDPR And Its Impact On Microsoft Cloud Ecosystem

With lot of buzz around the new GDPR regulation & its compliant end date coming just few days after the facebook data leak issues, its vital for us as developers or solution providers to understand it & how better we can enable such compliances in our applications. Especially when using services like Microsoft Azure & Office 365, there are plenty of resources available that you could better use to develop compliant systems.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/gdpr-and-its-impact-on-microsoft-cloud-ecosystem/

Accelerated Networking For Azure Virtual Machines

This article introduces the concept of Accelerated Networking and then provides Step by Step information on how to create a Virtual Machine with Accelerated Networking enabled using the Azure portal.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/accelerated-networking-for-azure-virtual-machines/

Customize Visual Studio Code Shortcuts

Couple of months ago I started using Visual studio code for my development activities. I found myself in very uncomfortable with the keys and shortcuts. I have been using Visual studio for more than 6 years now. So I was very comfortable in the keys and shortcuts. The difference in shortcuts was creating a challenges for me. Should I remember different set of shortcuts for VS code? Should I start using some other editor?

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/customize-visual-studio-code-shortcuts/

Development Of SPFx WebParts On SharePoint Office 365

SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Extensions are client-side components that run inside the context of a SharePoint page. You can deploy extensions to SharePoint Online, and you can use modern JavaScript, ReactJS tools and libraries to build them.

source https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/development-of-spfx-webparts-on-sharepoint-office-365/