Wednesday, October 31, 2018

SharePoint Framework - Project Upgrade

Every product goes under the upgrade cycle and SharePoint Framework is no exception to it. SPFx gets updated on a regular basis. With each update the SPFx provides more functionalities and bug fixes. SharePoint Framework client web parts and extensions are developed using JavaScript packages from various authors. The packages are available on npm site ( These packages are also gets frequent updates. In order to use the latest offerings the need arises to upgrade our existing SPFx solutions to the newer versions.


Microsoft Releases Enclave ready Ethereum Virtual Machine

Microsoft’s Blockchain team just announced a release of Enclave ready Ethereum Virtual Machine (eEVM) for blockchain developers.


Top 7 C# Enum (Enumeration) Code Examples

The enum keyword in C# and .NET is used to declare an enumeration, a distinct type that consists of a set of named constants called the enumerator list. An enum in C# is declared by the enum keyword followed by the enumeration name and its values within a bracket. Here is a list of C# enum examples.


Check The Battery Information In Xamarin Forms Application Using Xamarin Essentials For Android And UWP

Reading this article, we can learn how to Check the battery Information like Battery level, status and power source in Xamarin Forms application using Xamarin Essentials for Android and Universal Windows Platform with XAML and Visual C# in cross-platform application development.


How To Access Data From Azure Table Storage Using Rest API in ASP.NET Core - Part One

In this article, we are going to see how to access data from Azure table storage using Rest API in ASP.NET core. The ASP.NET core is an open source web framework by Microsoft which can be run on MAC, Windows, Linux. Azure Tables is a NoSQL cloud database and it is not a relational database, It can store just without any other kind of relations like foreign keys.


Iterating/Loop Through Your Component Property in Render Function in React

I understand that you need to build some UI elements dynamically in your component’s render function in React. Yes! the only way is to loop through the items, you can either use a for loop or a map function to do so. But the real question is, are we allowed to do that in react? Unfortunately, not in a direct way, you may face some difficulty especially if you come from an Angular background.


Power BI Best Practices - Part One

In this article, we will talk about best practices and recommendations to be considered while we are working with Power BI report development.


Programmatically Injecting SEO Friendly Tags In ASP.NET Core

In dynamic websites like ASP.Net core, it is a bit difficult to manage these tags on content pages because there is one master/layout page usually and all content pages share that page content. One of the ways is you can define the ViewBag or ViewData in the _Layout page and update it in each page to manage title of the page but others are still an issue, so how do we need to deal with them, Answer is simple, we can dynamically inject them.


ASP.NET MVC5 - Passing ViewModel Using JQuery Ajax And Strongly Typed View

In this Article, I will demonstrate how to work with ViewModel using JQuery Ajax and Strongly Typed view.


Blazor - Connect With Oracle Database In Amazon RDS

We will see how to create an Oracle database instance in Amazon RDS (AWS Relational Database Service) and we will connect Oracle database from Blazor application. We will use an Employee details Single Page Application for this purpose.


Apple Launches New MacBook Air With Retina Display

Apple has finally updated its most popular laptop, the MacBook Air, with a retina display that has four times the resolution of past versions.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Create And Embed A Bot Application App In Your Blogger

In this article, we will learn how to integrate our bot application right into your blogger via the Microsoft Bot Web Chat Channel. The Bot Application runs inside Skype, web chat, Facebook, Message, etc. Users can interact with bots by sending them messages, commands, and inline requests.


How To Switch From Factory Method Pattern To Abstract Factory Pattern

This article will also compare and the difference between Abstract Factory and Factory method pattern. I am using the same case study example so that difference can be identified between these two design patterns.


Handling Arithmetic Overflow

When you are dealing with integer values which are in higher amounts, you might arrive at a situation where the program gives you the wrong output.


Overview Of Singleton Pattern

Singleton Pattern is one of the software design patterns which uses only one instantiation of a class.


Getting Started With ASP.NET MVC - Part Two

This article explains the basics of ASP.NET MVC and explains routing in MVC, MVC routing table, Action methods, and action selectors. Here, we can learn Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC.


Blazor - Create SPA With Azure Database For MariaDB Server

We will create a MariaDB database service in Azure and connect MariaDB in a Single Page Blazor application. Azure Database for MariaDB is a relational database service in the Microsoft cloud. Azure Database for MariaDB is based on the MariaDB community edition database engine.


Azure AWS AD Users Sync Up - Create AWS Virtual Machine

In this topic, we are going to learn how to create a virtual machine by using EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) in AWS.


Binding Property, Styles And Class In Angular

In this article, we are going to learn how to bind property, class, styles of HTML in Angular.


Managing Data With ViewModel In ASP.NET MVC

This article will tell you almost everything about ViewModel in ASP.NET MVC. I am writing this article to tell you the basic to advance foremost concepts about ways to manage the data and organize the code in ASP.NET MVC. Stay tuned for my coming articles.


New Angular Drag And Drop Feature - ngDragDrop

Here in this post, I am going to explain a bit about one of the Angular 7 feature, which is Drag and Drops. At the end of this article, you will have an application which fetches the real data from the database and binds it to the UI and then performs multi-directional drag and drops


Overview Of Azure Service Bus - Relay

This article explains about Azure Service Bus - Relay which has two entities Hybrid Connection and WCF Relay.


Segmented Control In Xamarin.Forms

In this article, we are going to create segment control in xamarin.forms. SegmentedControl is a horizontal bar, which is made up of multiple segments. Each segment works as a discrete button and it can display a title or an image.


Setting Up DLP In Office 365 Exchange Online

Know “what is DPL and how to setup DLP in Office 365 Exchange Online” Mailbox. So read the article for knowing about DLP setup or configuration in o365 Cloud Platform. Data loss prevention or DLP is a great technology to protect sensitive and important data of the business. All the users or organizations want to protect their data from leaking or misusing. That’s why the Microsoft Office 365 runs the DLP service to prevent leaking of the O365 Mailbox data.


Apple Releases iOS 12.1 With Group FaceTime and 70 New Emojis

Recently, Apple has announced the latest version of its mobile operating system - iOS 12.1, will be available from Tuesday, October 30. The new release brings Group FaceTime with up to 32 people simultaneously and over 70 new emojis to iPhones and iPads.


Create And Download Excel Using Closed XML In MVC5

In this video, you can learn how to dynamically create and download an Excel sheet using closed XML and MVC5.


Machine Learning Concepts For Dummies - Part 1- Supervised Learning

This video introduces the basic concepts of Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Regression, and Classification problems. This is part 1 of the series where we will dive deep into Supervised Learning.


Machine Learning Concepts For Dummies - Part 2 - Unsupervised Learning And Reinforcement Learning

This video introduces the basic concepts of Unsupervised Learning, Clustering Problem, and Reinforcement Learning.


Monday, October 29, 2018

A Deep Learning Machine On Azure From The App Marketplace

How to use a pre-configured environment on Azure to create a "ready to go" Deep Learning machine


Azure Service Bus Topic And Subscription (Pub-Sub)

This articles explains about Azure Service Bus Topic and Subscription which is commonly known as pub-sub with read world scenario.


Create Your First Google Action For Google Home And Google Assistant

In this article, we will learn how to create a Google Action for your Google Home and Google Assistant.


How To Provide Read Access To Microsoft Team Documents

In this article, we will explore how to provide read access to users on Microsoft Team Documents.


Dialog Window In Angular Using Ignite-UI

The dialog window is a graphical control element or a small window that communicate information between application and user. It is very helpful to prompt the information, warning and other messages within the application. For an example in a web application when a user tries to access any restricted resource system can prompt a warning message in a dialog window.


Five Best Ways To Use Redis With ASP.NET MVC

In this article, we are going to focus on the best 5 ways we can use Redis cache to increase the performance of the application.


How To Create A Form Using Microsoft Forms

In this article, you will see how to create a form in Microsoft Forms.


How To Record Microsoft Form Responses In SharePoint Using Microsoft Flow

In this article, you will see how to record Microsoft Form responses in SharePoint using Microsoft Flow.


Reference Variable In Angular

In this article, we are going to learn the reference variable in Angular. Reference variables are used to send the data from a template HTML to the class so as to perform some operation.


Upload Files To Server Using Retrofit 2 In Android

In this article, we will learn how to upload any file to an online server using Retrofit 2 in Android.


Why .NET Is A Multilingual Framework

An application is said to be multilingual if it can be deployed in many different languages. With .NET, all of the languages Visual Basic .NET, C# and J# compile to common Intermediate language (IL). This makes all languages interoperable. Microsoft creates java bytecode, which is a low-level language with a simple syntax, which can be very quickly translated into native machine code.


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Socket Programming In C++ Using boost.asio - TCP Server And Client

This article will help you getting started with socket programming in C++. We'll be building TCP server and client using boost.asio library.


Detect Language And Extract Key Phrases Using Azure Machine Learning Studio

This video demonstrates how to detect language of a text and extract the key phrases from this text using Azure Machine Learning Studio.


Dynamics 365 CE And Azure Function - Part Three

This article is about server to server authentication between Azure function and Dynamics 365.


Fire Alarm Working Sample Based On IoT

In this article used to get the solution for gas leakage control. This article demonstrates how to send a notification when on mq2 gas sensor detection using Pushetta, Working with MQ2 Gas Sensor.


Working With Databases In MongoDB

In this article, we will learn about Database in MongoDB. If you are new to MongoDB then I would recommend you to go through the previous article in this series.


Building Dynamic LINQ Queries Using Expression Trees And Func

In this post, we will see how to build the dynamic LINQ queries. Building dynamic LINQ expressions is easy but you need to have an idea on Func<T, TResult> and Expression Trees before we begin.


Overview Of WPF Resources

Resources in WPF are set of objects like Brushes, Templates, styles etc. which are stored in Dictionary and referenced by unique strings. Usually they are declared once and used throughout the application. They are like CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) used in styling Web Pages.


Saturday, October 27, 2018

Angular Virtual Scrolling ngVirtualScrolling

Yes!. Angular 7 is out with some cool new features. I really appreciate that you wanted to experience the brand new Angular. Here in this post, I am going to explain a bit about one of the Angular 7 feature, which is Virtual Scrolling. At the end of this article, you will have an application which fetches the real data from the database and binds it to the UI by using Virtual Scrolling feature. I am not sure about you, but I am super excited to develop a sample application with this feature. Enough talking, let’s jump into the setup. I hope you will find this post useful.


Friday, October 26, 2018

Angular Virtual Scrolling ngVirtualScrolling

Yes!. Angular 7 is out with some cool new features. I really appreciate that you wanted to experience the brand new Angular. Here in this post, I am going to explain a bit about one of the Angular 7 feature, which is Virtual Scrolling. At the end of this article, you will have an application which fetches the real data from the database and binds it to the UI by using Virtual Scrolling feature. I am not sure about you, but I am super excited to develop a sample application with this feature. Enough talking, let’s jump into the setup. I hope you will find this post useful.


Azure Service Bus - Working With Queue In A Real World Scenario

This article explains the real-world business requirement and how Azure Service Bus Queue helps to fulfill it.


Create And Build FAQ Chatbot Using Azure Bot Service Without Any Coding

Bot Framework enables you to build bots that support different types of interactions with users. You can design conversations in your bot to be free. Your bot can also have more guided interactions where it provides the users with choices or actions. The conversation can use simple text strings or more complex rich cards that contain text, images, and action buttons. And, you can add natural language interactions, which let your users interact with your bots in a natural and expressive way.


Dynamics 365 CE And Azure Function - Part Two

This is our second article in the Dynamics 365 and Azure series, in the first article we discussed basic introduction about Azure function and set Azure function app. In this article, we are going to discuss how we can read CSV file from blob storage and process it to create/update contact record in Dynamics 365.


Getting Device Info In Xamarin.Forms Application Using Xamarin Essentials For Android And UWP

Reading this article, we can learn Getting Device Information like Device Name, DeviceType, Platform, Version, Idiom, Model, Manufacturer in Xamarin Forms application using Xamarin Essentials for Android and Universal Windows Platform with XAML and Visual C# in cross-platform application development.


Getting Started With Unit Testing Using C# And xUnit

Unit Testing is a software testing approach which performs at the time of the development to test the smallest component of any software. It means rather than testing the big module in one go, you test the small part of that module. A small component in the sense, it could be any function, any property or any class which is handling the specific functionality.


Overview Of Interpolation In Angular

In this article, we are going to learn the use of interpolation. Generally, we display the static component from the inline HTML or from templateUrl. What if we want some of the things to change dynamically. Let us suppose we need to show the current username, type of user etc kind of information then we will have to use interpolation. These dynamic values will come from any source through API or services.


Xamarin.Forms - Geocoding Get Full Address (PlacemarK) Using Xamarin Essentials

In this article you will learn how to get full address using Latitude and Longitude Using Xamarin.Essentials in Xamarin forms.


If We Could Be Programmed To Be Happy

Artificial Intelligence has drastically changed our way of living and promises big deals for the future as well. Considering the humanoid robots, can we, human be programmed someday? to be happy?


Binary Search Using Python

In a Binary Search technique, first, we have to enter the elements into the array and then, we have to sort the array in ascending or descending order based on our convenience.



If you are wondering how to avoid VLOOKUP or INDEX & MATCH functions to save time & headache, here is the link to the best solution by Microsoft.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

How To Become A Good Developer

This article covers the key points that you should adopt if your aim is to become a good developer.


Accordion Using HTML 5

In HTML 5, there is a new HTML tag added, called <details> which is used to create the accordion and it's pretty easy compared to the older version of HTML where we need to implement the toggle effect using JavaScript.


Azure Blob Storage

In this article, I will explain how to Create Azure Blob Storage and Upload, Download files from Azure Blob Storage using C#.


Global Exception Handling In ASP.NET Core As Exception Filter

This will help the developers to manage the exceptions in the application level and log the respective exception.


Building Re-Ordering Random Numbers Game

Using HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, and CSS in building Re-Ordering random number game.


How To Find Random Record In SQL Server

In this blog. I will explain you how to find random record in SQL server. This is most common interview question. The CHECKSUM function returns the checksum value computed over a table row, or over an expression list. Use CHECKSUM to build hash indexes. A hash index will result if the CHECKSUM function has column arguments, and an index is built over the computed CHECKSUM value. This can be used for equality searches over the columns. SQL NEWID function is used for selecting random row from a result set in SQL Server databases. NEWID is use to assign a value to a variable declared as the uniqueidentifier data type.


How To Calculate Time (Years, Months, And Days) Between Two Dates

In this post, we will learn how to calculate the time between two dates in years, months, and days format. There is a special function for getting a perfect year, month, and day count.


Command And Mediator Patterns In ASP.NET Core Using MediatR

In this article, I will try to explain the command pattern and how we can implement it in a third party library which is built on the command pattern and how we can use it in ASP.NEt Core to solve our problems and make the code clean.


Export Data In Excel Sheet In ASP.NET MVC

In this article, we will learn how we export a data sheet in Excel using ASP.NET MVC. In this demo, we will use Epplus library that is used to export an Excel using the Open Office XML format. We will be using MongoDB here.


Install NuGet Packages In Visual Studio

We can say that NuGet packages as pre-defined code of piece which is reusable for other developer.You can add in your project and use that Nuget functionaolty whereever you wanna use in project.We can also say that it like a platform where developers can create,share code to the world.It's contain complile code as DLL which is nearby impossible to decrypt.


Overview Of Components In Angular

In this article, we are going to learn the basics of Angular components. We are going to learn what exactly makes up the component and how we can add a new component to our Angular application with the help of Angular CLI.


Running ASP.NET Core Application In Azure Service Fabric Cluster

We will create an Azure Service Fabric Cluster with 5 nodes using Azure Portal and we will deploy our existing ASP.NET Core application in this cluster.


Xamarin.Forms - GeoCoding Using Xamarin Essentials

In this article, you will learn how to get Location by address Using Xamarin.Essentials in Xamarin Forms.


Mozilla Firefox 63 Released With Enhanced Tracking Protection

Recently, Mozilla has released "Firefox 63", the latest version of its Web browser with features that blocks third-party trackers to increase your privacy online.


Docker Networking - An Overview

This article lays the foundation for getting started with Docker networking. Let's get our containers to talk.


C# Corner Toronto Chapter - An Introduction

This video features my exclusive interview about C# Corner Toronto Chapter and its upcoming meetup. In here, I am explaining to the host what C# Corner is and how I started C# Corner Chapter in Toronto, Canada.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Azure Service Fabric - Demo

In this article, I am going to show a demo of how to work with Azure Service Fabric.


Xamarin.Forms - Getting Geolocation Using Xamarin.Essentials

In this article, you will learn how to get the current location using Xamarin.Essentials in Xamarin.Forms.


Create Event Calendar In Power BI

In this article, we will learn, how we can create Event Calendar within Power BI.


Creating Virtual Network And Virtual Machine On Azure

An Azure virtual network (VNet) is a representation of your own network in the cloud. You can control your Azure network settings and define DHCP address blocks, DNS settings, security policies, and routing. You can also further segment your VNet into subnets and deploy Azure IaaS virtual machines (VMs) and PaaS role instances, in the same way, you can deploy physical and virtual machines to your on-premises datacenter.


FlatList React Native

Here, I am going to explain how we can create a simple list using react-native so that it will work in both IOS and Android application. I have already given a basic introduction about react-native, those who want to check can click here. In this article, I will be explaining how to fetch data from API and show the results in a List(RecyclerView in Android, UITableView in IOS). Please go through the introduction article for the initial setups.


Keeping Large Table Statistics Current - TF2371

Statistics are the magic ingredient that helps the query optimizer create its best guess for generating an execution plan. Keeping statistics as accurate as possible will give the optimizer the information it uses to calculate estimated costs and cardinality, which enables it to properly allocate resources such as memory grants. In this blog I am not going to go into what statistics are and how they are used.


Matrix In R - Arithmetic Operation / Matrix Multiplication And Difference Between Operators * And %*% In R

In this article, we shall learn about the multiplication of two matrices in R. We shall also learn about the major differences between operators * and %*%.


Page Redirect Options In Entity Form Dynamics 365 Portals

This is common while working with Dynamics 365 Portals we need to setup page redirection. Sometimes we want to use the existing query string parameter sometimes we need to use a different parameter. Today I am going to discuss different options which can be used to set page redirection in entity form through configurations.


Retrieving Appinfo In Xamarin.Forms Application Using Xamarin Essentials For Android And UWP

Reading this article, we can learn Retrieving Appinfo in Xamarin Forms application using Xamarin Essentials for Android and Universal Windows Platform with XAML and Visual C# in cross platform application development.


Routing And Navigation In Angular - Part Eleven

So here we see routing and navigation. And the end of this article, you’ll have in depth understanding of how routing works in Angular. And you’ll be able to add navigation to your angular apps.


SharePoint Framework - Implementing Separation of Concerns (SoC)

In this article, we will explore how we can implement Separation of Concerns (SoC) principle in a SharePoint Framework solution.


SharePoint Framework - Multilingual Support (Localization)

SharePoint has supported localization in each of its version to help build better content for users worldwide. SharePoint Framework is also not an exception to it. SPFx offers multilingual support with the help of localized resource files as a part of SPFx solution. In this article, we will explore localization options with SPFx.


Using FluentValidation In .NET Core

This article introduced the basic usages of FluentValidation to build validation rules.


Creating A Database In SQL Server 2017 - A Quick Recap

In this video session, we will quickly walk through the steps of creating a simple Database in SQL Server 2017 Express Edition.


Install Ubuntu 18.04 On Windows Using VirtualBox VM

In this video tutorial, we will learn how to install Ubuntu 18.04 on Windows using VirutalBox Virtual Machine software. We will also learn to install virtual box and creating a virtual machine before we will install Ubuntu on a Windows machine.


Natural Language Processing Using Azure Machine Learning Studio

This video walks you through the concepts of N-Grams and how to use N-Grams to build Natural Language Processing Models in Azure Machine Learning Studio.


Storing Different Types Of Data In A Single Array

In this video, you will learn how to store different types of data in an array. Stay tuned for coming tutorials.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Getting Help From Python Interpreter

Whether we want some help for a module or want to quickly test a piece of code, Python interpreter is of great help. And in this article we are going to cover different ways where Python interpreter comes handy.



This article will demonstrate. How to create API CURD. We will create a new Web API project and implement GET, POST, PUT and DELETE method for CRUD operation using Entity Framework. ASP.NET Web API is an extensible framework for building HTTP based services that can be accessed in different applications on different platforms such as web, windows, mobile etc.


Working With "Static" In C#

The static keyword can be applied on data members, constructors, classes, methods, properties, and events. The static modifier makes an item non-instantiable.


Accenture Introduces Enterprise Blockchain Interoperability Tools

Accenture, a global consultancy firm has announced a new enterprise blockchain offering that will allow enterprises to use multiple blockchains via its interoperability Node. Accenture enables business process integration and interoperability between Digital Asset, R3 Corda, Hyperledger Fabric and Quorum distributed ledger platforms.


AspNetCore.Security.Jwt - JWT Bearer Token Security Package

I have built a package which integrates JWT Bearer Token Security into an Asp Net Core 2.0+ application.


CRUD Operations With FCM Database Using Kotlin - Part One - Connecting Firebase

In this article I am going to illustrate how someone can perform FCM database operations using Android Studio and kotlin programming language.The prerequisite to understand this article are having basic knowledge of Kotlin and should familiar with Android studio.


How To Install And Configure Syncfusion Essential Studio For Xamarin In Visual Studio 2017

This article demonstrates how to install and configure Syncfusion Essential Studio for Xamarin in Visual Studio 2017.The Syncfusion provides Visual Studio toolbox for your Xamarin project (Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.IOS). It’s support only Visual Studio 2015 and above version.


How To Perform Incremental Migration Of Content Using Sharegate Tool

In this article, we will explore how to perform incremental migration of content to same/higher version of SharePoint using Sharegate tool.


Installing Redis Cache On Windows

In this article, we are going to learn how to download and install the Windows flavor of Redis Cache Server and will see how client and server work.


Overview Of Azure Storage Service

Azure Storage Service enables new capability for applications requiring scalable, durable, and highly available storage for their data.


Overview Of Cosmos DB Partitioning

In this article, we will see how Cosmos DB partitions can be created and used in order to achieve the scaling.


Windows Function - FIRST_VALUE And LAST_VALUE

I hope you all are doing great. This article is next in series of Windows Function - Part 1 (LAG and LEAD). This article focuses on other Windows Functions, i.e., First_Value and Last_Value.


C# Training Announces New Enterprise Blockchain Bootcamp

C# Corner Training and Jumpstart Blockchain have partnered with DIY Blockchain to offer a new Enterprise Blockchain Bootcamp program in three major U.S. Cities - Philadelphia, Miami, and New York City. The instructor-led course will kick-off in Philadelphia, December 01 and 02.


Join Data Using Azure Machine Learning Studio

This video discusses how to join data using Azure Machine Learning Studio along with various Join options available.


Monday, October 22, 2018

Google Improves Android App Bundles, Instant Apps

Recently, Google has announced a number of new features for Android app developers, to make it easier to build smaller apps and to release instant apps.


Xamarin.Forms 3.3.0 Released

Xamarin.Forms 3.3.0 has now been released. The update has more than 20 updates and fixes with “little things” set out to make a “huge difference”.


ASP.NET Core API Documentation Using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore And .NET CLI

In this article, we can discuss how we can create documentation for API project. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore is a swagger tool for API’s built with ASP.NET Core. We shall create API project and add the documentation using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore project.


Create Year Quarter Month Drill Down With Proper Sort Order In Power BI

In this article, we will learn how we can apply Year Quarter Month Drill down with Proper Sort Order. Power BI OOTB Slicer is easy to use. But it is something, in which we are using our columns to prepare the drill down.


Angular Material Datatable With Angular 6 - Part Two

In this second part, we will learn that how to implement Searching, Filtering with Angular Material Datatable and will see the combined example with all of the features we have implemented separately.


Drag And Drop In Angular 7

Recently, Angular has released its latest version, Angular 7, which brought some breaking changes as well as some new features are added and one of them is drag and drop using angular cdk. Code sample to implement drag and drop in Angular.


Getting Started With ASP.NET Core And Docker

Hi everyone, frequently beginners in Docker have great problems to understand how to use Dockerfile, his common commands, why we have to use it. Moreover, another problem comes with a .NET developer who wants to package their ASP.NET Core application in one single image and how to run it in a container, they don’t know which image use to run the apps, and then in this post, we will see how to make it in very clear manner.


Kendo Multi Column Combo Box With Remote Data Binding

From this article you will learn how to perform remote data binding in kendo Multi Column Combo Box.


ASP.NET MVC 5 - Customizing Pie Chart Using JavaScript C3 Chart Library

In this article, I will explain different ways of customization for a pie chart using the C3 Chart JavaScript library.


Convert Text To Speech In Multiple Languages Using ASP.NET Core And C#

In this article, we are going to learn how to convert text to speech in multiple languages using one of the important Cognitive Services API called Microsoft Text to Speech Service API ( One of the API in Speech API ). The Text to Speech (TTS) API of the Speech service converts input text into natural-sounding speech (also called as speech synthesis). It supports text in multiple languages and gender based voice(male or female)


Create A MicroService In ASP.NET Core Using Azure Service Fabric

We will see how to create a Microservice in ASP.NET core using Service Fabric and we will create a 1 node cluster in Service Fabric Local Cluster Manger and run the application in this cluster.


npm Vs npx

We all are using npm as our package manager, it is easy, right? But with the version npm@5.2.0, when we install the npm, it installs a new package called npx. Have you ever thought what it is? And why it is needed? Are there any benefits of using npx instead of npm? I know you were trying to find the answer for the above questions and at the end, you landed up on this page. I will try to answer those questions for you. And at the end of the article, I am sure that you will get the answer to your questions. I hope you will find this post useful.


Overview Of Azure Data Factory

Role of Azure Data Factory and how can we create Data factories on Azure. Azure data factory is actually a platform from Microsoft Azure to solve the problem which is related to Data Sources and Integration and store relational and Non-relational data.


Identity Column In SQL Server

In this article, we will learn about identity function and how we Reset Identity Column in SQL Server. Identity keyword is used in SQL Server to Auto Increment Column value.


Sunday, October 21, 2018

Configure A Windows Service For MongoDB

In this article, we will learn how to configure a Windows Service for MongoDB.


Windows Functions - LAG() And LEAD()

In this article, I am going to discuss the other Windows Functions such as Lead, Lag, First_Value and Last_Value. These functions also work on the Window or Grouped Row Data Set or Partition created by Windows Functions in the T-SQL. For a better understanding I kindly request you to please read the previous article, mentioned above and then read this one.


Getting Started With Angular 7.0

Angular has released its latest version, Angular 7.0. We will explore what's new in Angular 7.0 and how to upgrade.


How To Disable Comments On Modern Pages Using CSOM

In this article, I’ll explain how to disable the comments on the pages of Modern sites using CSOM. This article is basically targeted for beginners who are working on Modern Sites in Office 365.


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Deployment Of Angular App To Heroku

Heroku is really amazing. It is actually platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that let’s you build, monitor and scale your apps. It is one of the best cloud platform as a service options out there and it is suitable when you wanna build the backend of your application yourself from the scratch.


Install And Configure Syncfusion Essential Studio For Xamarin In Visual Studio 2017

A quick step by step run through on how to configure this popular framework for mobile application development using VS 2017


5 Most Frequently Used R Data Structures For Machine Learning

In this article we will learn R data structures which are used most frequently in machine learning for example; vectors, factors, lists, arrays and matrices, and data frames.


MS Flow - Copy/Move File From One Document Library To Other Library

In this article, we will learn to Copy/Move file from One document library to another library.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Architecture Of Angular Application

In this article we are going to understand the angular application architecture in its high level.


Create A .NET Core Development Environment Using Visual Studio Code - Part Four

In this article, I will be talking about debugging .NET Core applications using Visual Studio Code. As we all know debugging is an indispensable part of programming. Most of our programming time will be devoted to debugging the code written by us or others. So it is really necessary that programmers need a very smooth debugging experience while coding. Most of the IDEs provide excellent debugging options. Visual Studio's debugging capabilities are so powerful that it provides a lot of features like breakpoints, code stepping, variable inspection, call stack, debug console window etc.


How To Add Download Listener To WebView In Kotlin

In this article, we will learn how use add download listener to download files from webview in android using Kotlin.


SharePoint Framework - Theme Colors

The SharePoint framework client side web part by default uses blue theme color irrespective of the theme color of SharePoint site. If SharePoint site has a different theme applied than blue, the SPFx web part stands out and does not provide the consistent look and feel with the site.


Azure DevOps For Web Development - CD And Release Pipelines

This article is part of a series of 4 articles on getting an ASP.NET web app live on Azure App Services using Azure Repos and Azure Pipelines. The previous articles described how to create your Azure DevOps account, create a project and push your code to Azure Repos using Git.


Creating A Custom Horizontal Nav Component Using React Office UI Fabric

I assume that you are working in Office UI Fabric React components and you wanted to create a horizontal menu component in your react solution. Unfortunately, the normal Nav component in the Office UI Fabric doesn’t give you this option. And somehow you reached here by searching for a solution to implement the horizontal menu. You are in the right place then.


CRUD Operations Using ASP.NET MVC and MongoDB

In this article We learned Crud Operation Using Mvc and MongoDB.This Article Give you Basic Understanding of how we can use MongoDB with mvc apllication.We can start further after this Article.In next article we will Learn Registration and Login Using Mvc and MongoDB.


How To Change ListView SelectedItem Bg Color In Xamarin.Forms

This article describes how we can change ListView SelectedItem bg color in Xamarin.Forms. Sometimes we may need to set different bg color for ListView selected item, So in this article, we can learn how to achieve this functionality using CustomRenderer.


How To Extract Text From Image Using Cognitive Service And Microsoft Flow

In this article, you will see how to extract text from image using Cognitive Service and Microsoft Flow. An image will be uploaded to SharePoint picture library that triggers the flow and using Computer Vision API (Uses the OCR operation to recognize and extract printed text from an image) connector text will be extracted from the image.


Xamarin.Forms - Application Preferences Using Xamarin.Essentials

In this article, you will learn how to use Application Preferences using Xamarin.Essentials in Xamarin forms.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

An Overview Of Microsoft Azure Storage

This is a detailed article where you will be exploring Azure Storage account. I have segregated this article in three sections, Create a Storage Account in Azure, Make Storage part of Virtual Network, Assigning a Storage to a VM.


Azure Hybrid Domain Device Configuration Using AADConnect

In this article, we will see how to Sync devices which are On-Premises domain-joined computers to sync to Azure AD as Hybrid domain-joined computers.


Diving Deep Into Different Consistency Levels Of Azure Cosmos DB

In this article, we will dive into different consistency levels of Azure Cosmos DB.


ASP.NET Core 2.1 - Implement Entity Framework Core In A Code First Approach

In this article, we will discuss the Code-First Approach in Entity Framework Core using ASP.NET Core2.1.


Getting Started With Angular CLI

Angular is a framework to build client-side applications. It is specially used to create single page applications where the View is refreshed asynchronously without having to reload the whole application. We will learn how to work with Angular CLI, in this article.


How To Become A Speaker

All speakers had to give their very first session once. We all had to bite the bullet and face the fear of no one wanting to hear us talk, what if I teach something wrong, or what if I throw up because I am too nervous. We’ve all been there. You’re not alone in your journey of becoming a speaker.


Overview Of Microsoft Search In Office 365

In this article, I’ll explain about the Microsoft Search feature in Office 365.


Teamcity Installation For Deployment Using Bitbucket

Install Visual Studio Community (latest version) - This ensures the latest version of .NET is installed and the build agents that Team City uses are also installed. Plus extremely useful for server-side debugging etc.


Using Swagger In ASP.NET Core

When developing a project, it is always necessary to compile the documentation and keep it up to date. This problem can be solved in different ways. In general, the automatic documentation capabilities are always used, which allows you to obtain a good quality of documentation with a minimal time cost, which will always correspond to the current version of your API. Currently very popular and functional framework for working with the API is Swagger


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Move SharePoint Content Database From One Drive To Another Drive On Same Server

Hi readers, this blog may help you to understand how we can move the SharePoint content database from one drive to another drive at same SQL Server.


Customizing Size And Shape Of Images In SharePoint 2013

We have noticed this many times that the sites created by SharePoint content owners using images are way too large for web consumption. The reason behind this is very easy to understand. Let us take an example.


Understanding String Interpolation In C#

The string interpolation feature in C# and .NET allows an easier way to format and manipulate strings. This feature was introduced in C# 6. Using string interpolation, we can use objects and expressions as a part of the string interpolation operation.


How To Connect With SFTP Using WinSCP

To connect and transfer files to FTP there is a Class available called FTP in .net under System.IO and System.Net namespaces, However to connect and transfer files on SFTP, there is no inbuilt class available in .Net.


Custom Attribute Directives In Angular 6 - Part One

This page will walk through Angular 2 custom attribute directive example. Angular provides three types of directive: component directive, attribute directive and structural directive. The component directive is used to create an HTML template.


Create Azure Data Factory And Pipeline Using .NET SDK

In this article, we will create Azure Data Factory and pipeline using .NET SDK. We will create two linked services and two datasets. One for source dataset and another for destination (sink) dataset. Here we will use Azure Blob Storage as input data source and Cosmos DB as output (sink) data source. We will copy data from CSV file (which is in Azure Blob Storage) to Cosmos DB database.


Custom Attribute Directives In Angular 6 - Part Two

In this session, I will show you how we can change the appearance such as text color, background color and font size of a body of an HTML element using custom attribute directive.


How To Custom Sync OnPremises Directory Attributes Using AAConnect To Azure Active Directory

When sync the On-Premises AD Environment Attributes, it will elevate the Azure AD and extend the Azure AD Schema with On-Premises Attributes. Example, If the Attribute name in On-Premises EmployeeID, it will be added as extension_tenantGUID_EmployeeID.


How To Include Regions In TypeScript While Working In Visual Studio Code

In this article I’ll share small detail how to include regions when we work in TypeScript in Visual Studio code.


How To Remove Native Azure Active Directory From Azure Portal

AAD stands for Azure Active Directory. We can create two types of Azure Active Directory. In here, we will learn how to remove a native AAD from the Azure portal.


Create User Registration Using ASP.NET And MongoDB

In this article, we will learn how we can insert data into MongoDB using We will learn from the basics because I have written this series of articles focusing on beginners.This article gives some basic understanding of how we insert data into the database using and MongoDB. In my previous article, we Learned about Insert, Delete, Update and Retrieve operations in MongoDB using c# console application.


Outlook.pst Can Not Be Accessed - Getting Error 0x80040116

If you are unable to access the Outlook and getting a 0x80040116 error, then follow this step by step solution to fix this Outlook data file error 0x80040116.


Create SharePoint Flow For Outlook Mail And Save Attachments Into A SharePoint Library

Microsoft flow for the Outlook mail helps store attachments and .eml files of the mail in the SharePoint library that make it easier to manage incoming emails.


Reactive Forms - setValue, patchValue And valueChanges

Reactive forms are completely different as compared to template-driven forms. Here, we create form structure first, before we jump into HTML code and it helps to separate components models with help of controls and group for easy understanding and targeting to fulfill the specific model operations.


Transfer Files To SFTP Using WinSCP

To connect and transfer files to FTP there is a Class available called FTP in .NET under System.IO and System.NET namespaces, However, to connect and transfer files on SFTP, there is no inbuilt class available in .NET.


SharePoint 2016 Mobile View Not Working On Mobile Devices

The last couple of days, I was stuck in an issue where whenever the users browsed the sites on their mobile devices, the Mobile View was not working. It showed a blank page with Site collection name on the top left and monilesuitenavbar in the bottom of one of the SharePoint 2016 on-premise farms. When they clicked on the eclipsis and switched to the PC View, nothing happened. Let us see how to resolve this issue.


Add ListView To SharePoint Online List using PnP PowerShell -Part Nine

In here, we will see how to add a ListView to SharePoint Online using PnP PowerShell.


Create Unique Key Constraint Through GUI In SQL Server

Learn how to create a Unique Key Constraint in SQL Server through GUI without writing any T-SQL query.


How to use the TestCase attribute in C# and NUnit

Learn how to use the TestCase attribute in C# when you write NUnit tests and see how it can help to remove duplication and make your tests more readable.


Partitioning Data Using Azure Machine Learning Studio

This video discusses how to partition some data using Azure Machine Learning Studio.


Split Data Using Azure Machine Learning Studio

This video discusses how to split data using different split options available in the Azure Machine Learning Studio.


ML.NET 0.6 Released

Microsoft has released the version 0.6 of its ML.NET Machine Learning Framework for .NET developers.


Monday, October 15, 2018

Microsoft's Co-founder Paul Allen Dies

Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft has died at the age of 65 on October 15, 2018, in Seattle due to the complications with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma according to a statement by his family.


Why To Choose Hybrid Mobile Apps Over Native Mobile Apps

Native Mobile Apps are developed using Native Programming Language. Hybrid Mobile Apps are developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Let us see why one should opt for hybrid apps over the native ones.


How To Redirect MonthView To WeekView Of Specific Date In jQuery Calendar

In this post, we will learn about how to change the calendar view. When clicking on MonthView date it redirects to WeekView and goes to clicked date of month view. Here simple JQuery code for done this action.


Add Primary Key/Unique Keys/Foreign Keys After Table Creation Using SQL Query

Today, we will learn how to add Primary Key, Unique Keys, or Foreign Keys on a table after the table is created. We will be using a simple query.


Dynamics 365 CE And Azure Function - Part One

In a simple definition Azure function is a piece of code which can be executed on demand or can be bound to some event just like traditional SQL triggers, where we have some code that executes because of some event. The beauty of Azure function is its serverless capability which means you don’t need special infrastructure to host and manage it and you need to only pay when your function is executing.


How To Use Third Party (Ioc) Containers In ASP.NET Core MVC

Dependency Injection is a simple implementation of Inversion of control (IoC). Inversion of Control (Ioc) is stating that objects do not create other objects to accomplish their work. In order to create objects they need to depends on third party containers like Unity, Autofac and Ninject.


Introduction To Templated Components In Blazor

Blazor has components at the core part. It uses the combination of Razor, HTML and C# code as a component. A component is the base element of the Blazor application, i.e., every page is considered as a component in Blazor. Blazor use the Razor template engine that generate HTML and served to web browsers. We can mix HTML and C# syntax in the Razor template and Razor engine will compiled Razor template and generate the HTML.


SharePoint 2016 Configuration Database Size Issue Due To Timer Job History

Another problematic day with SharePoint administration. I asked our DBA to send us the database size report about our services databases (which we asked once a while), it was shocking for us. Our configuration Database size is 509 GB (only data file mdf), Yes It is 509 GB. Time for investigation.


6 Effective Ways To Concatenate Strings In C# and .NET Core

Adding strings is a common operation in C# and .NET. The String class provides several ways to add, insert, and merge strings including + operator, String.Concate(), String.Join(), String.Format(), StringBuilder.Append(), and String Interpolation. The code examples demonstrate various methods to concatenate strings, insert string, append string, and merge strings using C# String class and its methods.


DAX In Power BI - Show Aggregate Sum Value Of The Previous N Months Within Same Table

In this article, we will learn how we can show the aggregate value of the previous n months within the same table in Power BI using Measures.


Demystifying Azure Service Fabric

In this article, I am going to give an introduction of Azure Service Fabric.


Designing Accordion Using Panel In Bootstrap

Before designing or writing the code, let us understand the basic structure of the code. We will see how to design an accordion menu using the panel in bootstrap.


Integrating MySQL With Visual Studio Using Entity Framework

The article describes the way to establish the proper environment in which one can integrate MySQL with Visual Studio using Entity Framework.


Configure TFS 2015 Agent

This article explains how to configure/unconfigure TFS 2015 Agent software. An Agent is an installable software that runs one build or deployment job at a time. At least one Agent is required to build or deploy your code. More agents are required as people and code grows.


Change Password For TFS Build Service Account

This post explains how to change service account password for Team Foundation Server Agent Service.


Resolving The "Wait Operation Timed Out" Error When TFS Stops Working

A few days ago our system administrator installed the Microsoft test manager 2012 on Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010(TFS 2010). Suddenly our TFS stopped working. TFS was not able to extract the data from Database.


MongoDB Acquires mLab

Recently, in a move to increase its industry leverage substantially, MongoDB Inc., the leading modern, general purpose database platform has announced its definitive agreement to acquire mLab, a San Francisco-based cloud database service. The acquisition is planned to close in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year 2019.


Deployment Of Angular Apps To GitHub Pages

Let’s see how to deploy the Angular application to GitHub Pages. So, here, you can read everything about Github Pages and how it works. It is the simplest hosting you can get, or deploying Angular applications. Basically, your application is hosted directly from your GitHub Repository.


Sunday, October 14, 2018

Garbage Collection In .NET

In .NET framework, each and every type identifies some resources which are available for the program’s use. To use these resources, memory needs to be allocation which represents the type.


Creating An Azure Logic App For SharePoint Online List

Azure Logic Apps is a cloud service that helps you automate the business processes,tasks and workflows when you need to integrate apps, data and services across organizations.


Microsoft Releases Fluent XAML Theme Editor Preview

Microsoft recently released the Fluent XAML Theme Editor preview. it is a tool that enables the users to set desired colour themes for applications.


Google Cloud Releases Cloud Identity As Standalone Service

Recently, at Google Cloud Next ’18, Google has announced to offer its cloud identity tools as a standalone tool with one console and platform to administer users, devices, apps and access.


Microsoft Introduces Blockchain Based Products

Microsoft introduced blockchain based Digital Identity Hub and Wallet products. Microsoft is quietly and sincerely building decentralized and blockchain based systems that are slowing going to be introduced to the world. Microsoft has quietly introduced two of these blockchain based products are Identity Hub and Digital Wallet.


SharePoint Framework - React Based OrgChart From SharePoint List

SharePoint Framework client web parts are targeted to develop the business scenarios. Office 365 UI fabric component offers seamless integration with Office 365 and offers wide range of UI components. However it does not offer Organization chart kind of controls yet. In these scenarios we can make use of open source npm packages offerings.


Search Configuration In SharePoint 2013

Here is the solution if you are not getting the correct result even after the content source has been configured correctly in SharePoint 2013.


MS Flow - Send Attachment In Outlook Email

Here, I will show you how to configure a flow which will read a file from the document library and will add those files as an attachment to the email.


How To Fix “Reference To Type ‘SqlConnection’ Claims Defined In ‘System.Data’, But It Could Not Be Found”

In this post, I will show how to fix the “claims” for System.Data. Are you anxious? Go to “THE SOLUTION ITSELF“.


Difference Between First() And FirstOrDefault()

The major difference between First and FirstOrDefault is that First() will throw an exception if there is no result data for the supplied criteria whereas FirstOrDefault() returns a default value (null) if there is no result data.


Saturday, October 13, 2018

ASP.NET Core - Routing

In ASP.NET Core, Routing is the process of directing an HTTP request to a controller. In this article, we will see how it works.


Azure IoT - Good Security Practices

Businesses face security, privacy and compliance challenges which are unique to the IoT. Security for IoT solutions includes ensuring that devices are securely provisioned, that there is secure connectivity between the devices and the cloud, as well as secure data protection in the cloud during processing and storage. An in-depth security strategy is needed to secure an Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure.


Deployment Of Angular App To Firebase

Firebase is a platform provided by Google that we used to build the backend of web/mobile applications. So with Firebase we get real time database that is super-fast and scalable. We get cloud messaging, we get hosting and a bunch of other services.


Learning Web API 2 With Entity Framework 6 Code First Migrations

In the last article of learning Entity Framework, we learned the code-first approach and code-first migrations. In this article, we’ll learn how to perform CRUD operations with ASP.NET Web API2 and Entity Framework.


Friday, October 12, 2018

Microsoft Joins OIN, Makes 60,000 Patents Open-Source

In a surprising move, Microsoft has announced that it is going to join the Open Invention Network (OIN), a community dedicated to protecting Linux and other open source software programs from patent risk. By doing this, the company has essentially made 60,000 of its patents open source and available to the member of the OIN community.


Copy Files From SharePoint To An Azure Blob Storage Using Microsoft Flow

In this article, you will see how to copy files from SharePoint to an Azure blob storage using Microsoft Flow. Whenever a file added to a SharePoint document library folder, flow copies the file to an Azure blob storage.


Executing Your First Python Script

Python Interpreter is the most commonly used way to get started with Python for beginners. However, when we work on a larger problem, we write much larger code and we do not want to type that code over and over again. This is where we want to create a script file.


Preventing 10 Typical Mistakes That Hinder SharePoint Performance

Usually, SharePoint performance issues don’t originate from the platform itself. The SharePoint troubles frequently come from the overall network problems, incorrect configurations of SharePoint farms or flawed custom solutions.


Quick Start With Azure Cosmos DB - Day Five

In this article, we will see how we can execute SQL queries on JSON documents and get filtered results.


Resolving "SPFx Component All Gulp Commands Failed" Error In O365

Today, I am here with a new issue and solution. In this article, I’ll explain the TSLlint error while building an SPFx component (Either web part or extension) and then, we show how we resolved it.


Retrieve Operation In MonGoDB Using Robo 3T

In this article, we will learn how to retrievethe data from MongoDB. We will learn from the basics because I have written this Series of articles focusing on the beginners.This article give some basic understanding how we retrieve Data from Database and Display it in our Application.


Datepicker In Angular Using Ignite-ui-angular

In this article, we will learn how to create a Web app that demonstrates the use of Ignite UI Date Picker control.


How To Customize Snackbar In Android

Every Android Developer knows about the Snackbar, which is an important component introduced in Material Design. It is similar to Toast used for Android Development. But the Snackbar had provided action callback to perform an action like Click-listeners in Button. In this article, we are going to learn How to Customize the Snackbar.


Implementation Of SignalR With .NET Core

In my previous, we have seen how SignalR is useful with .NET Core. you can read the previous article from here. Now in this article, we will see the implementation of SignalR with .NET core


Snackbar In Angular Using Ignite-ui-angular

The Ignite UI for Angular Snack Bar component provides feedback about an operation with a single-line message, which can include a link to an action such as Undo. The Snack Bar message appears above all other screen elements, located at the bottom of a mobile device screen or at the lower left of larger device screens.


TRY...CATCH And RAISERROR With Stored Procedure

In this article, we’ll see how to handle the error and raise an error in SQL Server with a stored procedure.


Add Content Type To A List Using PnP PowerShell - Part Eight

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to add some content to a SharePoint Online List using PnP PowerShell


Dense Rank Function In Power BI

In this video, we will talk about how we can apply Dense Rank in Power BI. Power BI provides this functionality to create a Rank using DAX expression. We will use RANKX() function to create the Rank in Power BI.


How To Add A Twitter Web Part With Modern SharePoint Pages

In this video, we will learn how we can add a Twitter Web Part to the modern SharePoint Online Page. We will also look into various available options or properties to modify the Twitter Web part.


Create or Delete A List using PnP PowerShell - Part Seven

In this video, we will see how to create and/or remove a SharePoint List using PnP PowerShell.


Sampling Data Using Azure Machine Learning Studio

This video describes how to sample the data using the Partition and Sample modules in Azure Machine Learning Studio.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Google Pixel Slate Announced

Google releases Pixel Slate, Google’s high-performance Chromebook. It has been designed to optimize Android apps and powerful desktop-styled features in Chrome OS to entertain and help you in a mobile way.


Angular 6.1 CLI Commands

In order to work with Angular, we need to get started by creating a sample project manually by adding all its dependent files such as JavaScript, TypeScript, jQuery, Angular, Protractor, Karma and few other configurations files separately which is very time-consuming work.


ASP.NET Core - Entity Framework Call Store Procedure

This article is about calling store procedure using entity framework in ASP.NET Core.


Copy Data From Blob Storage To Cosmos DB Using Azure Data Factory

We will see how to create an Azure Data Factory and we will copy data from Blob Storage to Cosmos DB using ADF pipelines. We will create Source and Destination (Sink) datasets in pipeline and we will link these datasets with Azure subscription. We will publish this pipeline and later trigger it manually.


CRUD Operations Using Sharepoint FrameWork And PnP JS Library

The SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is a new technology that provides a full support for client-side SharePoint development.


How To Create Nav Bar And Carousel Slider In Bootstrap 4

In this article, I am going to explain how to create Responsive Navigation Bar and Carousel Slider in Bootstrap 4.


Upload MS Outlook PST File Into Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox

Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based application and it also works on Exchange Online environment. In this article, you will know the step by step process for uploading MS Outlook PST into Office 365 Exchange Online environment manually. So follow the given instructions to import or migrate PST file data into O365.


Xamarin.Forms - Send SMS Using Xamarin.Essentials

In this article you will learn how to Send SMS Using Xamarin.Essentials in Xamarin forms.


How To Track Changes In Stored Procedure, Function, And View In SQL Server

SQL Server DDL Trigger is a special kind of trigger that fires in response to Data Definition Language (DDL) statements – CREATE, ALTER, DROP (Table, Function, Index, Stored Procedures, Views.. etc).


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

SharePoint Framework - CSS Considerations

SharePoint Framework (SPFx) client-side web parts are lightweight and work on both classic and modern SharePoint sites. Look and feel is an integral part of the web part. CSS (Cascaded Style Sheets) helps to apply the better look and feel to SharePoint web parts.


The Architecture Of Blockchain

As I mentioned in my previous blogs about Blockchain, let's take it apart and discuss it in a bit more detail. Consider this as a single block of BC. As you can see there are multiple dimensions of this block.


Google Announces New Policies To Protect Your Data

As part of Project Strobe, an initiative to review third-party developer access to its applications and services.


Google Home Hub Is Here

After Amazon Echo and Google Home already in the process of making your home a smart one, Google Home Hub is the newest addition in the line of voice-controlled devices with which you can control pretty much your whole household. With most of the Google apps built-in, this device brings you help at a glance.


Google Announces Pixel 3 And Pixel 3 XL

Recently, at its Pixel 3 event in New York City, Google has announced the long-awaited phones Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL.


How To Send A Captured Image Through Email Using Raspberry Pi, Pi Camera, And Python

This article demonstrates how to send the captured an image through the mail using raspberry pi, pi camera, and python.
